Aviendha69 - ⊃∪∩⪽

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Aviendha69 - ⊃∪∩⪽


Reylo and Fiction writer. Gen X. 🔞
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Aviendha69
Book links: https://books2read.com/HomeHeart
exactly, pretty much every one of X's policies traces back to some personal sleight or family strife, he literally makes the world revolve around him
Being a billionaire should be banned, for their own health as much as for the rest of us. I'm pretty sure it's a personality disorder and they all need therapy.
So fucking done with LLMs and so ready for them to implode.
All my homies say fuck the ACLU
the ACLU is done. finished. toast. kaput
I had a v. bad day when the AL trigger law went into effect and our AG got on the news and started telling people he'd prosecute us for aiding & abetting if we so much as gave someone gas money to get to a state where abortion was legal. All I can do is support my community & fight however I can.
For the same reason handlers of search & rescue dogs occasionally have volunteers put themselves in a position to be "found" alive in a grim disaster scene -- to keep up morale so that these dogs keep working -- I give you this screen shot from the BOP showing the current location of Steve Bannon.
Bought a brick of 'mystery coffee' (brand unknown to me) and it's just... awful. but I need the cAfEInE
new challenge/event? I really love the 'Sword of the Jedi' series by Diasterisms
ugh. Bought a brick of 'mystery coffee' (brand unknown to me) and it's just... welh. Disappointed. But i need the cAfEIne
Never forget that Trump *did* have Michael Reinoehl assassinated and nothing *ever* came or it
I am tired of beating them at the ballot box. I want someone to beat their fucking asses legislatively, judicially, executively, and physically. Goddam.
We talk a lot about how bad it is to Make Up A Guy To Get Mad At, but we need to talk about its even more evil cousin: Making Up A Guy To Defend Yourself Against.
Note to self: Sometimes when you are writing, you need to take a step back, get your bearings, take some time, and see what you have, to be able to go forward. Don't be afraid to take some think time if your novel doesn't come out all at once. #amwriting #author #writing
Don’t use the SEALs to solve a problem you can make way worse with the CIA instead
"Science fiction seldom attempts to predict the future. More often than not, it tries to prevent the future." Arthur C. Clarke #scifi #writing
This is an All of The Republican Party Effort. Pappy Bush, Bush Junior, Trump. This is the end result of a GOP drive for absolute presidential power that started in the wake of Watergate.
Fucking MAGA Justices.
I have to say, I always found the argument that Biden is powerless to do anything due to constraints and parliamentarians and such to be pretty weak, but in the specific context of a Supreme Court decision that specifically laid out that he is a king who can do anything it is maddening & infuriating
Nobody being above the law falls into the self-evident truths category. Trump v US was the classic no-brainer. The easiest case all session. A 9-0 call, were we not trapped in a political bedlam. This is madness: complete, hallucinatory madness.
Maybe they’re learning that people aren’t enthused about being paid less to do a worse job
Check out the DWeb Camp virtual preview THIS WEDNESDAY, July 3 ⤵️
Our virtual meetup next week will feature: 🌲 Billion Lee of CoFacts 🌲 Sinu of TLSNotary / @ethereum.bsky.social 🌲 Eric Harris-Braun of Holo 🌲 @kumavis.me of @metamask.io 🌲 Val Elefante of CCI's Sol Center Happening WED July 3 5pm PT (Asia-Pacific friendly time!) www.eventbrite.com/e/july-2024-...
July 2024 DWeb Meetup — DWeb Camp Sessions Previewwww.eventbrite.com Join us for this virtual meetup featuring speakers who will be leading sessions at DWeb Camp this August.
So what happened last Friday in court with Hachette v. Internet Archive, the publishers' lawsuit against our library? Check out updates in our new post: blog.archive.org/2024/07/01/w... #LetReadersRead
What happened last Friday in Hachette v. Internet Archive? | Internet Archive Blogsblog.archive.org
many things make me angry about the supreme court but one of the biggest things is just that none of those cowards in the gang of six will ever take real questions from the public
I dunno, I guess y'all didn't sit through "Eyes On The Prize" every February in Social Studies for every year of middle school? Maybe you should find it and watch it. You will not find "They shot our leader, we should give up, it's hopeless now."
this was Friday. I'm digging in even more today.