
THE GORN! We’ve seen this episode, this was the last one we watched before we went back to the beginning (Enterprise). This is the most unintentionally funny episode so far.
I just love how the Gorn moves so slowly because that costume has to be hot AF and thick and not flexible at all. 😂 And Kirk picks up a medium sized rock and just nails the Gorn in the chest, then the Gorn picks up a boulder and throws it. We’ve seen this before and it’s better the second time.
We did a watch of TOS from the beginning a few years ago and this was yet another of the “all-powerful beings that they somehow never mention again” ones that was hilarious.
I thought the same thing! They were brought into Enterprise and Strange New Worlds, but they were scary and I didn’t like them.
One of our running jokes has been how bad the TOS crew was at actually documenting known dangers. Like, wouldn’t you think they’d want to mention to starfleet that an all-powerful being made them do gladiator stuff with a lizard and maybe stay away from that quadrant in the future?
Like when they cross the barrier at the edge of the galaxy and those two people become all-powerful telekinetics and later they cross it again and nobody says, um, remember that time that … Also, half of their problems could be solved by a deadbolt on the door to engineering.
I’m a huge fan of the Gorn… The TOS version, not the newfangled Aliens knockoff! But I understand.