
Me, at first: that's okay, they really aren't a car company *reads on* Pivoting to generative AI? Come on, get off it. Why, just why are all these companies going in on AI?
It Looks Like the Apple Car Is Bloomberg reports Apple will shift the team into working on generative AI.
Because it’s about a few wealthy rich men sitting back doing nothing and collecting the money they don’t have to pay workers anymore.
that pisses me off...that they would rather let the world burn, spend way more than it would over cost to actually hire people, just so they wouldn't have to...hire people
Well the thing is: when it all burns down, they’re gonna be in a world of hurt bc none of them know how to do very basic shit like cooking, laundry, first aid, fixing anything. They literally call other people to handle all of it and there’s nothing to guarantee that their people stay loyal.
No, not at all. And I bet, in their heads, they think they can do it. That they'll just be a natural hunter/forager/etc and man, will it be a huge surprise
I told my guy that he could probably make $10k a pop offering these Silicon Valley techbros an “authentic wilderness experience” by tossing them a sleeping bag, trail mix, and a lantern and assigning them to an abandoned barn, then picking them up three days later.
Some people don't quite realize that Powerpoint and Excel are not in fact actual "survival skills".
Guys like that couldn’t handle one night in a rural North Carolinian abandoned barn. Between the ghosts, the bugs, and the raccoons… 😆
lol you actually think they touch powerpoint and excel? they have people for that, too