Holly Guise ❄️

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Holly Guise ❄️


Iñupiaq Alaska Native historian in ABQ. Tries to write. Oral historian- check out ww2alaska.com. Available for preorder: https://uwapress.uw.edu/book/9780295752525/alaska-native-resilience/ ask your library to order a copy!
Lookit what I found in the mail today- @uwapress.bsky.social mailed me an advance copy of my book #AlaskaNativeResilience Voices from World War II. Today’s the day I became a book author! 🥹💜 Alaska Native writers- we can do it!
Busy morning with the kiddos 🍒
Cross posting cause it’s too yummy not to 🍒
Delighted to share that tonight I won the super bonus 100 tickets at the arcade 🤣🥳
Cherries to go with breakfast 🍒💜
I made dirt cups and “desert sand” cups since my daughter suggested it. We’re all set for her class party!
Cherry tree has ripe cherries 🍒 💜
We’ve had an eventful Mother’s Day gardening today 💜🦎
It felt comical wearing a full doctoral graduation gown driving my car to the ceremony. Flattered that so many people thought I was a graduate and not a faculty member- it was the first time I’ve felt young in a while. I wore flats not these sandals!
We have sea monkeys! I never bothered to dump the water when I thought they all died and my kids pointed out a few indeed survived!
Roses are back! Happy spring all
My baby picked this hat out at powwow at UNM
Indian taco at UNM 2024 powwow hosted by Kiva Club. Awesome day, food, dancers, and vendors!
Seeing your event flyer up is a nice feeling! Tomorrow- film screening with Haida filmmaker Waats’asdiyei Joe Yates of Alaska Films “Indigenous Resistance Now and Then” Friday April 26 5:15pm UNM Student Union Building floor 3 Trail/Spirit Rooms
Book flyer spotted in my tote bag at WAWH2024 in Portland! Can’t believe after years of seeing these at conferences I’m seeing this on my own work Book out next month! Preorder with discount code WST30 Happy weekend everyone! 🗃️
We are ready for the school bake sale!
At the Maps and Geographic Information Center (MAGIC) with @herberthistory.bsky.social. What a fun class he lead this morning at UNM!
When walking on campus be sure to stop and smell the lilacs. Start a new week well
When you see a tree on campus that’s so beautiful you stop to take a picture
I found Fasciated Dandelions in the yard
Just like that we became a sea monkey household
One of the eggs here is obvious, but the other ones maybe not so much
I had a special week teaching Survey of Native history- my mom visited to talk about attending the Mt Edgecumbe High School Native boarding school before she transferred to live with a foster family in Hawaii where she graduated. This photo is her boarding school photo from the late 1960s! 🗃️
Cross posting! Florida and Alaska historians! Alejandra Dubcovsky, me, & @herberthistory.bsky.social. Wonderful talk by Dr Dubcovsky at UNM library! 🗃️
Two generations of oral historians, get ready for a project to drop at some point featuring oral histories, memories, and Metlakatla history with Karen! 💜 This has been an awesome way to spend a spring break. Photo posted with permission 🗃️
Trying a new format of oral history where I drive around with an elder and she shares history about the place, geography, people, and memories. The stories from driving around and moving are certainly engaging and different than sitting in one spot for an oral history interview. 🗃️
Packing my oral history bag- found this in the side pocket and remembered when I would have to pump while traveling. One of the wildest places I had to pump was I believe a boiler room in the Ketchikan ferry building.
A special day to all who celebrate by watching this romcom
Discovering someone was in my office