Holly Guise ❄️

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Holly Guise ❄️


Iñupiaq Alaska Native historian in ABQ. Tries to write. Oral historian- check out ww2alaska.com. Available for preorder: https://uwapress.uw.edu/book/9780295752525/alaska-native-resilience/ ask your library to order a copy!
The neat thing about having kids is that when I buy Sees and it quickly disappears I know it’s not just me who ate all the chocolates/candies.
Busy morning with the kiddos 🍒
This has done me in
Told my daughter about how when I was little the neighborhood kids used to climb a fence to steal crabapples- and I’ve officially entered my elder story-sharing time
Picked up an N Scott Momaday book from the library and it smells of tobacco
I’m writing a short historical essay for a special issue for teaching and it finally has my brain moving/thinking again. It’s good to be writing again.
So, the history of and current forms of (systemic) racism and white supremacy are now “racial conspiracy theories?” Good to know.
Cross posting cause it’s too yummy not to 🍒
Delighted to share that tonight I won the super bonus 100 tickets at the arcade 🤣🥳
Remembering the time an elder mailed me a box of pilot bread in Albuquerque along with stuffed animals for my kids 🥺💜
There's only 1 commercial producer of hardtack in the US: Interbake Foods & they sell 98% of their product in Alaska, where hardtack has a long history. It was easy to transport to rural areas & was required on all light aircraft (hence "pilot bread") as emergency rations.
This is an excellent question- I’m reminded of the time I couldn’t access an article through a library database so I searched the scholar’s name and emailed them asking if they had a copy they’d be willing to share. They did indeed share the article pdf!
For those not working in academia, how do you access peer reviewed research, if at all? How would you like to? How can academics get better at sharing findings?
Check it out! @uwapress.bsky.social features a Q&A with me as an author on their blog! This is my first Q&A as a soon-to-be book author! Preorder or ask your library to order a copy of Alaska Native Resilience- 30% discount right now using WNAISA24 wp.me/p4bksV-2yE
Alaska Native Resilience: Q&A with Holly Miowak Guisewp.me In Alaska Native Resilience: Voices from World War II, Holly Miowak Guise draws on a wealth of oral histories and interviews with Indigenous elders to explore the multidimensional relationship between...
JOB: Open rank tenured/TT position, Indigenous Histories of the Americas and Surrounding Waters, Simon Fraser University Preference for Pacific Northwest focus Review begins 8/15 universityaffairs.ca/search-job/?...
As a kid, I remember I would ask my mom how to spell something and she’d say “get the dictionary”. That’s so 1990s- I don’t even have a physical dictionary in my house.
Text messages should cost money again- so the political ads stop.
“I was told that I had 5 days to remove my tribal affiliation and pronouns” according to Little in South Dakota. This shows settler colonial violence linked to state mandated surveillance on gender identity. www.msn.com/en-ph/news/u...
Cherries to go with breakfast 🍒💜
I made dirt cups and “desert sand” cups since my daughter suggested it. We’re all set for her class party!
Editing. Today trying to iron out the timing/effects of the federal Homestead Acts (1862-1916) & how these laws channeled nearly 1 million white settlers into the west to lands occupied by Native people. It is as Paul Frymer & others have argued, an exercise of state capacity without the military.
Cherry tree has ripe cherries 🍒 💜
Nothing subtle about this 1949 guerrilla marketing campaign by the Ajinomoto Co, which placed this Statue of Liberty in Tokyo's Ginza district to advertise its various DDT products After determining that this was "ridiculing the Occupation," SCAP had it taken down
My latest cartoon for New Scientist.
i'm not sure how I'd calculate what percentage of my political opinions and intellectual personality are the direct result of watching people manufacture two whole wars, collectively shrug and say "oops! well, anyways..." and then watercolor into the sunset but i'd say it's gotta be above 50%
We desperately need a historical accounting of GWB's worldwide destructive impacts because it's clear to me that too many people seem unaware.
Cover just dropped!! Coming October 2024 from Cornell University Press
Okay - all eyes on UCI. Students at UCI have taken one of the buildings, and it's absolutely nuts the amount of police which have been called out. They're asking for back up from 30 minutes away, and there's at least two helicopters circling the campus.
Grades submitted! Done with teaching spring 2024! A grad seminar and a survey of Native American history class.