
Here's a frame-grab from a video of my grandson playing with the family cat. The cat is not "tolerating" this. The cat CHOSE this. Mom separated the two of them, and the cat circled the room once, then nuzzled right up to the baby and purred for more.
At one point the baby CHEWS ON THE CAT'S EAR and the cat is like "yes, more of this, please."
I’ve had cats do that with babies. It’s a legit thing
A baby is probably more like another cat than any older human. My cats chew on each other all the time.
My mom tells a story of her from a slightly older age (but not by much!) where her aunt removed her from the aunt's cat, warning her not to pull a cat's tail. Except for the fact that the cat WANTED her tail pulled like that, and mom, despite being so young, knew that. Cats be weird. =0.o=
"The cat chose this" as if no cat has ever made a poor or regrettable choice.
I mean, we play with their kids all the time, eh?