Dr Vanessa

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Dr Vanessa


historian of science, medicine, sport and exploration; other content generally but not limited to: food, a weird bug, feminist beer, complaining about bad parking. Latest book: tinyurl.com/HigherColder
#NoodleTuesday - this was a very plain, simple ramen so i topped it with soy caramelised onions which gave a bit of sweet fat to the dish. 2.5/5 ungarnished.
#MondayRoses it’s just buckets & buckets of reds & these fun “sculptural” pinks who’ve made twisted shapes to try to reach the light climbing in an archway (and had to be trimmed because of wind/rain damage). #MrHat cameo. #GardenFlowers
Would really like to be back here
We’ve got cinnabar!!!
Happy 1 year anniversary to me accidentally taking a slug on the bus ride to work and going viral by live tweeting my anxiety about keeping it safe and also not letting everyone in the bus see I had a slug.
Friends report she is once again browsing Tall Thin White Lady Fashion emails. Tag urself I'm "lady in a cagoul dissociating"
After a holiday hiatus #NoodleTuesday is back! Only put half the spice packets in these and it was still quite tingly. Very satisfying, very filling, great textures 4.5/5
status: screaming forever that the experts teaching me to make 'quality online digital content' made this and thought it was OK.
#GardenFlowers having to do some protective pruning as the roses got heavy while we were away and were at risk of breaking stems #MondayRosea
Final holiday question: why are hotel rooms so hot!? In the middle of a cold snap in Scotland we’ve had to have windows open all night & no covers. Assuming it is for overseas tourists who like it hotter but 🥵
No #DigitalFriday today as I'm on holiday - respecting the work/life balance even on social media. See you next week!
I forgot to take a “live” photo but I voted back on the 23rd June by post in a Glasgow postbox. Take ID if you’re going today & remember you can spoil a ballot. I hope you feel you can vote for someone or something you believe in, rather than just voting against the worst possible people.
Even in the rain Scotland’s far north is doing its beach thing #Scourie #balnakeil
Extremely serious academic (carcinisation at 10%, rampant)
Close encounters #Applecross (Don’t feed the cows! This one is just eating grass)
How your email finds me (out of office is on)
After a week of hotels/hostels/guesthouses my big question remains: why don’t people put shelves in showers?!?! Where are my tiny bottles supposed to go? It is an epidemic. If it were 2007 I’d start a specialist blog rating just the shelf provision in holiday rentals.
Busy having a beer on a barge
No #DigitalFriday today as I'm on holiday - respecting the work/life balance even on social media. See you in a couple of weeks!
Tiny bit of #HistSTM on holiday - Hutton’s unconformity, Lochranza iykyk
Also getting in some #histmed - the Doctor’s Bath at corrie (allegedly for water therapy). Yes we dis go an bathe in it at high tide, but bsky doesn’t need bikini pics at this time of morning 😅
24 hours into the holiday & it’s a winner
Who’d like a Hats update? Mr Hat was spotted yesterday parading in the garden w/a very long stick so maybe they are planning on babies this year. I nearly trod on Mrs Hat as she started winding around my feet as i was trying to hang the washing out!🪶
#WednesdayRoses - i love this time of year when the full range of colours are out. Later in July/aug its mostly the stalwart reds & pinks hanging on through the whole flowering season. #GardenFlowers
It’s not the first: one was even found in hay in wye, in march.
A large, mysterious monolith was found near a trail in the Desert National Wildlife Refuge north of Las Vegas over the weekend. It was not immediately clear where the object had come from.
A Mysterious Monolith Appears Near Las Vegas. Why? It’s Anyone’s Guess.www.nytimes.com A volunteer search-and-rescue organization reported finding the monolith over the weekend near the Gass Peak trail, which is north of Las Vegas.
#NoodleTuesday extremely plain but very satisfying. Should have thrown in a load of sweetcorn as the chicken stock is very convincing… a surprisingly high 3/5
Realised why i cant stand the talk to camera vids that make up tiktok & half of insta stories - its like door-to-door sales. 1. Suddenly invade your personal space 2. Eye contact from stranger 3. Trying to start a conversation you’ve no interest in My *immediate* reaction is f*€k off. Just me?
They move so fast it’s real hard to get a better shot but here’s another angle