hpsvanessa.bsky.social follows

Lev Parikian
Lev Parikian
Words, birds, music. Guardian Country Diary. Wainwright Prize longlist 2021. Royal Society Science Book Prize shortlist 2023. linktr.ee/levparikian
Matthew L. Jones
Matthew L. Jones
“How Data Happened” with Chris Wiggins available now! History of science, computing, sigint, and technology, Princeton
Dr Ben Britton
Dr Ben Britton
Dyslexic atomic sorcery / Assoc Prof, UBC / has too many hills to die on. Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Clean Tech, Academia, EDI - he/him and quite gay. Vancouver, BC (work, inc. member of Senate @ UBC & Imperial College London, views own)
Official account of Medica: the Society for the Study of Healing in the Middle Ages
Katrina Navickas
Katrina Navickas
Historian (she/her) of protest, political movements and public space. Croydon/Rochdale. Trade unionist. Rural modernism on insta. 🇱🇹🇺🇦 🏳️‍⚧️ ally
Rebecca Merkelbach
Rebecca Merkelbach
Doctor of trollology. Saga fangirl. Assistant Prof of Old Norse at Uni Tü. Lefty nerd💚 Powerlifting yoga teaching harpist. She/sie🏳️‍🌈 #SkandiRetten
Musa Okwonga
Musa Okwonga
Author and co-host of the Stadio football podcast.
Isabel Davis
Isabel Davis
Cultural Historian at Natural History Museum, research on reproductive health history, natural history, collections.
David M. Perry
David M. Perry
Journalist & historian. Pub musician. Dad. Husband. Fishing obsessed. I also do dishes. Read: #TheBrightAges http://tinyurl.com/brightages.
LaToya Ferguson
LaToya Ferguson
I pronounce "bluesky" like "brewski.' | A Nasty Piece of Work (and prolific writer) | she/her
Rose Eveleth
Rose Eveleth
👽 butch Frizzle 👽 〰 journalist 〰 mediocre artist 〰 they/them 〰 https://roseveleth.com/ 〰 support my work here: https://ffwdpresents.com

→ → → TESTED is out now https://www.tested-podcast.com/
Dr. Heather Dichter
Dr. Heather Dichter
Associate Professor of Sport History & Sport Management
Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith
University of St Andrews; Executive Chair, Arts & Humanities Research Council; International Champion and Creative Industries Sector Champion UK Research and Innovation

All views my own, but none of the poetry.
Cartoonist, scientist. I draw cartoons for newscientist. I wrote a book once.
Clothier, vocalist, neurasthenic.
Celebrating ♀'s art & creativity, curated by autist @tidbit.bsky.social & art nerd @brainchain.bsky.social. Images © to respective owners. WA2 actually welcomes all followers, art from diverse communities/cultures, even 🏳️‍⚧️

Pfp cred @pianta.bsky.social
She/They. not affiliated with PL Henderson, a previous user of this handle. they are a transphobic bigot & content scraper.

Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Enbies are whatever they say they are.

follow @womensart2.bsky.social. plz use alt text
Jo VanEvery, she/her is close enough
Jo VanEvery, she/her is close enough
I help academics protect time for writing and resist overwork. Meaningfulness matters. You are more than your job. Also make things with textiles, read romances, sing alto in a choir. Subscribe to my newsletter: JoVanEvery.co.uk/newsletter
Karl Appuhn
Karl Appuhn
Historian of Renaissance Italian trees, critters, medical practitioners, and assorted other stuff. Californian in exile. Veteran. Semi-pro Curmudgeon.
BMJ Group
BMJ Group
BMJ Group is a global healthcare knowledge provider with a vision for a healthier world. We share knowledge and expertise to improve healthcare outcomes. Find out more by visiting our website at bmjgroup.com
Bryan Christopher
Bryan Christopher
Well-meaning oaf, he/him|@dailydeadnews|@corpseclub|@RueMorgue|@cinepunx
Anatomy of a Scream
Anatomy of a Scream
Feminist, queer-positive website, podcast network + YouTube channel. Publishes Grim Journal.
Chris Lintott
Chris Lintott
Astronomer, writer and zookeeper. Oxford, Gresham and the Zooniverse. The human half of the Dog Stars podcast. New book: 'Our Accidental Universe' out in March (UK) and June (US)
Mikko Toivanen
Mikko Toivanen
Research fellow at FU Berlin|global/colonial history & 19thC SE Asia|🏬 cities and publics|🌲 forests and forestry|PhD from EUI|📚 occasionally writes about books and films
Association of McGill Professors of Law/Association McGillienne de professeur.e.s de droit. We represent the full-time faculty at McGill Law. Nous représentons les professeurs à temps plein de la Faculté de droit de l'Université McGill.
Dr Mirjam S. Brusius
Dr Mirjam S. Brusius
Global & Colonial History. Europe & the Middle East. Visual & Material Culture. Heritage, Museums & Restitution. Photography. Memory Culture

1 Object has 100 Histories of 100 Worlds

@100_worlds on X

Sonja Drimmer
Sonja Drimmer
Associate Professor, History of Art & Architecture, UMass Amherst. Author of Art of Allusion: Illuminators & the Making of English Literature http://sonjadrimmer.com She/her
Monica H Green
Monica H Green
I'm an Independent Scholar (https://independentscholar.academia.edu/MonicaHGreen). #BarnardAlum #UNCAlum. Focusing on #histmed, Global Health. Finishing projects on the Black Death (2nd Plague Pandemic). Upcoming talk: https://imc-leeds.confex.com/imc/2024
Nathan Kalman-Lamb
Nathan Kalman-Lamb
“Happiness Vampire”; Assist Prof of Soc @ UNB; social theory + sport; words in The Guardian etc; co-host @endofsportpod.bsky.social; he/him; preorder *The End of College Football*: https://t.co/0C19WAmL6y
Dr. Elisabeth M. Yang
Dr. Elisabeth M. Yang
Philosophically-bent, historian/childhood studies PhD, Wellcome Trust Fellow, history of medicine, material culture/moral babies & children/amateur thespian/tea snob

Based in the School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science at University of Leeds
Edward Jones-Imhotep
Edward Jones-Imhotep
Director IHPST - University of Toronto | Author: The Unreliable Nation (@mitpress.bsky.social) | Historian of technology, science, and the self
Sarah J. Purcell
Sarah J. Purcell
(She/her) Historian-Teacher-Sometime Digital Humanist. New book: Spectacle of Grief: Public Funerals and Memory in the Civil War Era from @UNC_Press
Steph McKenna
Steph McKenna
Loud co-host of The Thirst & The Writing Life. Film pod contributor. Editor. Constant reader. Shy writer. Comms in the cultural sector. she/her. Views my own.
Dan Hicks
Dan Hicks
Museum Curator and Professor of Contemporary Archaeology at Oxford University • Fellow St Cross College, Oxford • Tutor Art/Anthropology
Tim Onion
Tim Onion
American businessman.
Dates in Movies
Dates in Movies
When you absolutely, positively got to know every "On This Day" in movie history, accept no substitutes.

10+ years & 50,000 followers on Twitter, making a new home for ourselves here.
Unofficial BBCNews (World) Bot
Unofficial BBCNews (World) Bot
An unofficial bot of BBC News (World).

RSS: https://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/rss.xml
code: https://gitlab.com/tmaehara/bluesky-newsbots
Brooke Binkowski
Brooke Binkowski
Tlönista. Shitposting merrily downward. Weird plant, cat, books lady. Sci-fi, fantasy, art, jazz, etc. Profile photo is a selfie with the bottom half of my face hilariously covered by my cat's. Banner pic is of crows in a tree.
Kate Clancy
Kate Clancy
Feminist science professor at the University of Illinois. Obsessed with the uterus, even when it's being shitty. Author of PERIOD: The Real Story of Menstruation. Writing about pregnancy loss next. 🏳️‍🌈 www.kateclancy.com
Jaime Rebanal 🇵🇸
Jaime Rebanal 🇵🇸
• 🇵🇭🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈
• Autistic
• Filmmaker/Critic/Archivist
• Avid gamer
• they/any


Linktree: https://linktr.ee/firewalkwjaime
My newsletter: https://cloudsofgaia.substack.com/
Aubrey Gordon
Aubrey Gordon
Writer, yeller, fat lady about town. She/her. Photo by the wonderful Josh Coen. BAON🌹
Bathsheba Demuth
Bathsheba Demuth
Writer & environmental historian of cold places. Wrote FLOATING COAST, now writing about the Yukon River. Associate prof at Brown University. Heart is on a dogsled.
Courtney Milan
Courtney Milan
She/her. I write books about carriages, corsets, and smartwatches. Mother of (emoji) dinosaurs 🦖🦕. 羽生結弦 fan. Fan of tea. This biography should not be taken as a complete description.
Celeste Ng
Celeste Ng
Fiction writer, science nerd; ex-Clevelander; embarrassingly sincere. Too big to hang out; slowly lurching toward your favorite city. I’m really just here to chat with friends. She/her.
Guardian Australia
Guardian Australia
Get the latest news here https://theguardian.com/au?CMP=aus_bsky

📨 Newsletters: http://bit.ly/gdnausemail
📰 Contribute: http://bit.ly/gdnausupport
John Yuda
John Yuda
Husband, dad, dog walker, cyclist, outdoors enthusiast, occasional reluctant driver, Alexandrian, federal employee, vinyl record collector, jazz fan, scruffy young man.
Beer Ladies Podcast
Beer Ladies Podcast
A group of friends in Ireland who get together to chat about & taste craft beer, beer history, style guides, industry news & have a bit of craic! 🍻

Dr Christina Wade
Dr Christina Wade
THE DEVIL'S IN THE DRAUGHT LINES with CAMRA books available for preorder now .Beer Historian |cohost @beerladiespod| Pres. @beerladiesIRE | BJCP certified Beer Judge| she/her

Hidden REF
Hidden REF
Celebrating all research outputs and everyone involved in their creation
Kris Myers
Kris Myers
Swear Trek Showrunner, Film & TV Editor, DGC apprentice. Mostly tweets about the (W)NBA, MLB and nerd things. In their Dale Cooper era. Nice. 🇯🇲🍁🌈.