
I agree with the point that the sheet volume of Biden coverage from some big outlets - particularly compared to their coverage of MAGA authoritarianism - is out of wack but this column also ignores a whole lot of reality.
Why is the pundit class so desparate to push Biden out of the race? | Rebecca Yes, Biden had a bad debate – but so did Trump. The media is once again repeating the mistakes of 2016
The concerns around Biden aren't solely coming from the media. They are coming from within the Democratic Party. Mark Warner and the senators going with him are not pundits - and that's just one example. Dems I speak with are almost universally concerned.
And the reason for this concern is clear. Biden's numbers were not great before this. He's got serious issues and this is a serious moment. It's Biden and his team's job to sell him to the portion of the public that isn't with it. It's not the media's job to do that.
I see a lack of awareness from Biden and his team about how bad he's doing. That's especially clear when be does an interview where he denies the numbers and touts achievements that the public really doesn't see including shutting down Putin, Mideast peace, and the economy.
I don't think press tripling down on that with them is an answer to anything. We should, of course, be aggressively covering how alarming Trump's plans are. But part of making people aware of the stakes is showing that Trump really might win.
I think people know that and that’s why they’re losing their minds. The fundamentals are still the same. Biden has a dragon’s hoard of money, ad buys, and an opponent who’s a criminal, a traitor and objectively nuts. Giving equal time to that reality isn’t thumbing the scale, it’s doing the job.
Trump eroded the cash advantage post conviction. Clinton was similarly well funded in 2016. The fundamentals are not that solid for Biden. Diehard Dems need to recognize this moment isn't really about them. They are convinced Trump is very dangerous and would vote for Biden or any replacement.
There are many indications a decisive portion of the electorate isn't sold on those things. Press coverage is certainly a factor there but it's Biden and his campaign's job to make the sale in the landscape we have.
He is touting his job performance and literally not acknowledging the numbers showing voters aren't sold. The debate exacerbated what seems to be the public's many worry about him. I don't think that's a path to victory.
The Democratic activist base (especially On Here) consistently fails to recognize that they are not the target audience, their political instincts are no better developed than the average nonvoter, and they can’t poll unskew or psychoanalyse or “go back to Russia” their way out of this.
Yup. Lots of running around yelling about who’s losing, who’s winning & who would be unbeatable. It’s all fear. Trump might win, and if that’s just hitting, it causes a lot of adrenaline, so “fixes” that might take the anxiety down are attractive. But we just have to deal with reality til November.
The decision is Joe Biden’s alone and we get to live with it. I wish people around here would grok that the election will be decided by the swing electorate of 5-6 swing states and that many in that set think both candidates are manifestly unfit to serve and will vote for the more entertaining one.
So my opinion, which does not matter, is that Joe Biden should cede the reins to Kamala Harris, whom 72% of independents don’t think is manifestly unfit, and whose ascension would not detonate the party like some smoke-filled room deal to nominate a savior. I think that’s the least risky path.
Disagree, GOP and media will then begin driving down her favorables & the odds are she has something in her life they can drop, abt October 28. I’m old enough to remember the Comey letter. That’s not a less risky scenario. It just shifts from known risks to unknown risks. In my professional opinion.
You assume they’ll vote at all. In AZ, WI & NV, turnout will be high; to the degree those voters are told the truth as to how each candidate will act on their issues, they GOTV helps Biden or whoever is across from Trump. In GA & PA, I’m not as sure GOTV comes to the rescue. MI is his to lose too.
The presidency isn’t the only thing on the ballot. To the degree that they vote, they will choose based on personality, not issues. I’d rather have at least one candidate that isn’t seen as unfit. They might vote for her! But, again, the choice is Joe Biden’s and we all get to live with it.
Ok. What is your job? Is it to ensure voters are aware of the consequences of their choices? If so, maybe spend roughly 1/2 your space on the incompetent lunatic whose best feature is that he’s likely incapable of carrying out his policy plans. Leaves you 1/2 for ‘polls’, which are still broken.