
Bring back Dandy, the Yankees mascot from 1979-1981 (But also that big ass Marlboro cigarette ad in right center at the old Stadium)
Can he replace Hal or Cashman?
He can’t be any worse. They’re a terrible combination. Say what you will about George, but the man wanted to win. Hal, it seems, doesn’t. Which is weird for an owner.
I think Hal is content with the profit margins he has without a ring. I think he also tends to think the playoffs is a crapshoot where anyone can win. They're basically betting on being that once in a decade or more team that totally upsets the postseason.
The playoffs are a crapshoot where anyone can win, but you can help your odds by being smart in how you build your team. Hal and Cash have not been smart. Plus, if you win you make more money (of course for Hal it’s not much more).
I tend to think the Series winner isn't a total surprise. It needs a degree of solidity to the bullpen, rotation, and offense they haven't really had since 2020.
Totally agree on Series winner not being complete crapshoot — just getting there through the 73 rounds before it. I knew they’d regress back to the mean, but now with trade deadline coming, hope they fill some holes. (baseballism: you’ll win 54, lose 54, and it’s the middle 54 that matter).
I feel like they walked into the season with one or two too many problems to fix at the deadline. I remain convinced of that. Same as it ever was.