
Why aren't we allowed to bold or italicize words in social media? Who thought a little picture of poo was critical, but me putting a book title in italics was a step over the line? ๐Ÿ’ฉ
Unless we go old school and use USENET-style _underlines_, *emphasis*, and /italic/, and somehow get screenreader software to agree that those things are acceptable markers.
A sarcasm font would work wonders.
There is a longwinded explanation of why Bluesky doesn't support markdown, (which would let you make italics by writing a _word_ with underscores before and after for example). I am not enough of a coder to understand their reasoning, but I agree that they should make this happen.
Agree. This morning saw someone be tightened up for not including a book title in their post and the post being criticized had capitalized it to set it apart.
I'd like to add an underline, but that's forbidden as well.
Underline is for hyperlinks
On a laptop, there is no such thing as an underline for anything. hyperlinks could simply be an @ sign.
Reddit allows you to do so at least with some specific inputs. Though I hate that basically every other site forces you to copy/paste text into a third party website to get it.