
Nearly 25% of the crossing guards in San Francisco said “they had experienced some type of ‘close call’ in the crosswalk with a Waymo driverless car, where either the vehicle suddenly hit the brakes to prevent a collision, or the crossing guard rushed out of the way to avoid being hit.”
Crossing guards say driverless cars nearly hit them in Nearly 1 in 4 crossing guards interviewed by NBC News in San Francisco said they experienced a “close call” with an autonomous vehicle.
How it started How it's going
I'm sure it's 100% on being nearly hit by cars with drivers!
Fuck off. Cars with drivers have actual liability.
And yeah I bet a human driver has absolutely stopped for a bunch of firemen putting out a fire, then driven into them when they didn’t move like one of these pieces of shit has
I don’t have a great love of driverless cars, but human drivers have an incredibly poor record of running over pedestrians, so I’m quite sure they have done what you’re saying (and plowed through children in crosswalks, and farmer’s markets, and into street festivals, etc ad infinitum), many times.
The difference is that when a human driver does that we can prosecute them and keep them from doing it a second time
I'm a firm advocate for suing the driverless car companies every time they mess up!!!! There were Cruise cars all over my neighborhood and then they f-ed up and now there aren't! It's great!
Isn't it better when we can hold whole corporations to account, rather than suing that one Uber driver on hour 18 of his shift when he's the one making the poor choices?
I’m thinking of a specific instance where the car stopped because firefighters were putting out a fire then started driving into them
I'm thinking of specific cases where a woman killed 2 kids in a x-walk in LA and an man plowed through a farmer's market and killed a bunch of people. Again, not a huge fan of driverless cars, but feel like it's a case of "don't compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative..."
Lots of stuff has been changing in the last year since the big Task Us layoff. Not the company I knew.