
Criminalizing sex work has nothing to do with protecting women. Banning adult content on crowdfunding and payment platforms has nothing to do with protecting children. The goal of these laws/policies is to remove one of the few sources of income for queer, disabled, and other marginalized folks.
this isalso the reason that mass campaigns and petitions to tell them, "hey, don't do this! we want this content!" don't work: it is already *about* something else; it is already *fundamentally* a conservative minority action to control the freedom of the majority. They *do not care*.
I've made less money posting my ass but I've felt better about it than any dollar I earned in a checkstand.
don't forget the appearance of Doing Something by going after the grubby, queer, disabled people doing the work, or trying to force them into bottleneckswhere others can extract their labor, or or or or... it's so fucking grim.
I feel like you're overestimating the people of the anti-sex movement. The motivation is that when they were impressionable children a man in authority said that sex was bad. Hurting women, queer and disables folks, etc. is just a happy byproduct for them.
The motivation is control. There is very little in this world you can truly control. This movement gives people something to exert control over. The tattletale hotlines, book bans… all of it is exertion of control. They’re controlling what people can read, what people can feel safe in their jobs…