
Just seen myself referred to as ‘a professional enthusiast’, an epithet that massively overestimates my professionalism.
Better a professional enthusiast than an envious dickhead. x
PS. When you get good enough at enthusiasm to turn professional, do let me know.
What a twat. You alright our kid? People are fucking annoying.
Thanks Stu! That’s really nice of you. Yes, I’m fine. Some men (always men) can’t understand why I get paid for doing what I’m good at and they aren’t.
It's that stupid, territorial, competitive nerd instinct; same shite that drives "i bet you can't name three songs by that band." and all that. NO ONE loves this band more than ME. Yuk! Peripherally, i'm wearing a BJM shirt and i'd struggle to name three songs; but i have about 20 vinyls by them an
Seen them live about six times 🤪 Fuck those people, anyway. My default is to remember what Sid Vicious said about the man in the street 👀👀👀
‘Professional enthusiast’ Is the role I play in my job! I’m a shift manager at my local cinema… I’m rubbish (ish) at the technical side of things, but my goodness I enthuse!
Technique is highly prized by New Order fans and few others.
Do you know this, by one of our ex-near-neighbours?
This, related, is also good. The introduction is one of the first things our students read.
All I have really had to offer these past decades is relentless enthusiasm. It has taken me all the way. People who disparage enthusiasm are people who never really got anywhere because everyone could tell they wouldn’t really like it even if they did.
If people manage to be unenthusiastic about enthusiasm… that’s your problem right there. Everyone can tell they would be a real drag to work with and fail to appreciate and enjoy every nice thing they got.
My son is an enthusiast and during those awful teen years when it's cool to be cynical, he was mocked for it at school. I remember giving him a pep talk along the lines of 'it's the loveliest quality, the world will try to squash it out of you, but it will make the good people want to be around you'
That’s so good you did that because so true IME. All the people I love and trust are passionate in their enthusiasms; that’s the common denominator.
Exactly! Team Enthusiasm over here (caveat: unless someone is enthusiastic about collecting Nazi memorabilia)
This is great to hear because my boy is about to start secondary school and I’ve been dreading his enthusiasm and joy being replaced by sulks and cynicism. So pleased your boy came through intact!
It's not easy through those teen years - at his school the biggest insult was 'keeno', which broke my heart - as if being keen and interested was embarrassing - but happily they do come through it, then they get to uni, where being enthusiastic is a plus, so it all works out! Good luck to yr boy
A similar insult I heard a lot from my boys was "tryhard". When surely trying really is the best thing in the world?
As professions go, it’s one to envy.
Does being a professional enthusiast pay well? (Asking as an amateur Darwin enthusiast considering turning pro.)