
I just read a chapter I haven't looked at in many months, and... it's not bad? I was expecting a full cringefest A little proud of myself. I wrote ~500 words so far today, and now I'm plotting out one character's important backstory.
After not having written in months and feeling terrible about it but unable to find the motivation, today I opened up that editor and cranked out a few hundred words. Heading back to it now... #AmWriting #WritingCommunity
You inspire me. I have a big (for me) project in mind. Can't get my arms around it and my usual tricks for digging in haven't worked. So i'm taking each character and doing a short first person story. Even for the very minor characters. When i get them to tell me their secret i am really excited
Or a form of procastination that is not a waste of time. I mean, it's still writing....another thing i try to tease out (besides secrets) is catch phrases and other patterns of speech. I read somewhere that every secondary character thinks they're the main one. So i decided to play with it.