
Lots of hardline rhetoric from Starmer this morning about small boats. But read it closely and you can see the clear outline of a rational policy: Ending Rwanda. Processing the claims
Labour is inching towards the right small boats Ignore the noise: The right compromises are being made and the wrong ones are being avoided.
What you put your finger on is that taking the public with you is a calibrated process of leading. The values/principles here are implicit to avoid unwanted electoral attacks. Many of us want them to be explicit as reassurance. The risk is in mixed messages. The strength is in avoiding attack lines.
“Read between the lines. Labour is adopting the right policy. It is adopting the only sane policy available: to process the claims”.
I cease to be disappointed by the UK press and the awareness of its people. Labour will process the claims and it is the only rational option. But why has that perspective taken so long for the media and people to realise? Putting people in “procedural long term storage” is not an option.
He should say clearly what he means. I have no idea what he stands for and frankly don't trust him an inch.
We need to go metric to upset flag shagging colonialist bollock-spouts like Starmer.
I can't bear him. I thought Labour had something fresh to offer. Making all these statements like "if you read between the lines, Starmer really means this" is absurd. He says what he says. You shouldn't need exegetics to explain the actual words he speaks. It's ridiculous.
But no mention of Safe Routes
I think the courts would have forced the processing of the claims anyway. Not doing Rwanda and mopping up some of the worst effects of Tory policy is barely a step in the right direction