Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)

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Ian/Iana Spencer (they/she/he)


Sad Genderless Angel

Artist (mostly voidpunk and anthro) | Musician | Gamedev | Writer (who actually needs to write lol) | Non-binary/Genderfluid
Honestly I don't even know what to do anymore. If Trump wins this election I'm not gonna see my 30s, and he probably will. my party chose a walking corpse to run against the next Hitler and most ppl probably won't have the foresight or critical thinking skills to vote for the corpse
Prog rock is always either "this is a very meaningful, handcrafted song about the nature of life itself" or "MATH MATH MATH GET JAZZFUCKED TWO KEYS AT ONCE POLLLYYYHRHYTHMMMSSS SEVEEEN OVERRR FOUUUR COCAINE"
Goku, in a standoff against the Powerpuff girls: finally, a worthy opponent
If the cyber truck actually worked and it was made as a cheeky "haha it's like a PS1 car neat right?" Novelty car I think ppl would find it charming and wouldn't rly think much of it but instead it's a defective product made by a guy that unironically think the future is low poly or smth
Very few photos of pre transition me is great, but this one I made for a college course during a point of my life I was really overcompensating, is by far the most disturbing
When I was learning graphic design I did this because I thought it would be funny but it's honestly kind of disturbing
I'm not joking when I say 85% of the reason modern AAA horror games feel lacking is that they're trying to be the same thing without a fixed camera. Like, that sounds overly stupid, but an actual factor of what makes old school silent work as horror is that every interior shot is locked down
In a very weird heel turn from my last post... vote! I don't care if it feels hopeless. I don't even rly care if you throw your vote into the 3rd party chumbucket. Vote even if just to remind yourself that there's at least a *chance* at preserving democracy in this shit hole of a nation
Sorry to vaguepost but y'all if your posting your fetish art that's fine but tag it as adult content ok? Even if it doesn't have any nudity at all Like im kinkshaming anyone, that's never my intention, but Jesus Christ tagging your smut is just a generally considerate thing to do, regardless
Idk what struggling neurodivergent and/or queer outcast needs to hear this but you can be a dramatic devious freaky menace to society AND a shy smol bean with a heart of gold, you don't have to pick one or the other
America - capitalist dystopia that broke almost all it's promises and has a justice system that's kinda fucked Japan - capitalist dystopia that actually kept some of its promises with justice system that *MEGA FUCKED*
Old games are fun cuz the western box art would be like crazy rendered and would look like a thrash metal album cover but game would just be about lil dude collecting turnips by jumping
Found a shitton of old art from when I was first starting to become a tiny bit more confident as an artist and HOLY SHIT WHAT FUCKING HIGH ART BRAIN DRUGS WAS I ON?????
By far my most baffling opinion about literally is that I don't want old games to be remastered, I want them to be available, like I shouldn't have to pir*te Silent Hill 1 or Super Mario 64 just to play it as it was originally intended
All day today I've been feeling a certain kind of visceral sadness that only making cringey comforting vent art of my sona character like comforting me while I'm sobbing or some shit like I'm some kind of emo teen on Tumblr in 2015 again could mend but unfortunately I'm too sad to make art so idk
Hot take: I really, really hate how normalized it is to make jokes at the expense of cis men if it's "just a silly joke". Like I'm NB but it makes my blood boil If someone calls me an attack chopper or smth ppl would come to my defense, even if they rly didn't mean it, because it normalized it
Ppls say I should be more open but they don't actually want that lol
Ppl often assume your sona character has to look like you, but this is incorrect. For instance, unlike my voidsona Mylo, my entire head is not a single eyeball
I drew these two pieces months apart but I think the goat guy is his fursona I don't know how to explain this it's just vibes
Y'all I hate to be a wet blanket but we're facing an impending fascist Holocaust, the economy is unsurvivable and not getting better, and media literacy is all but dead, we gotta stop having pretentious debates on what is and isn't "xyz thing" The world is fucked, idc if gates are kept
Hmmm better go check my news feeeee-ooooohhhhh wow ok that's ruck up Jesus fucking Christ
The more I think about the "bears vs men" debate, the less I'm irritated with the in-house fragile cis-heteronormative ragebait non-troversy and the more I'm pissed at the involved cishets for ruining a hella good thought experiment
For many the non-binary experience is listening to a mix of post- hardcore, metal, and also dubstep for some reason to chase away the gender dysphoria
Fast food drive thru - here's ur trash Me: thanks *Like 5-8 minutes later* Me:...they gave me the wrong damn trash .-.
Nintendo fans: heyyy it be hella cool if Zelda had her own game :3 Nintendo: np done <3 Nf: oh btw do you know where I can play Wind Waker N:... Nf:...? N: *COCKS SHOTGUN*
Them: nothing is sacred Me: umm what about that glowing orb echoing ethereal voice over there Them: you mean Carl? Nah dude he's just vibing
Right-wing issues are never winning issues (history has proven this again and again), but what we need to acknowledge is that left-wing issues aren't winning issues 100% of the time Like, we (as in the larger left wing) have believed stupid things in the past, often missing nuance
Listen I loved Stars Wars as a kid as much as anyone but "there is no try, only do" is dangerous advice thought up by a neurotic perfectionist who has their own issues to work out and y'all are afraid to acknowledge that /hj