
Ppls say I should be more open but they don't actually want that lol
What's my "type"? I mean I'm just gonna say "idk I'm aroace though" because I don't rly know how say it nicer than "I find ppl who are physically soft but social abrasive aesthetically attractive", because "I like punkass fat bitches of any gender" is what I would say if I hadn't shame
Gamedev? Yeah I've made a couple indie games. My first game God's Thankless Casket won 2nd place in a gamejam. The gimmick was that it didn't let you exit until you beat it My best game so far though is a horror game called The Soviet Eggplant experiment. It was based on a weird dream I had lol
Yeah it's gameplay is inspired by Silent Hill. Oh, what's that? Ok so the lore starts with a cult in a small Midwestern tourist trap town who want to create a new god, so they kidnap this mans daughter to "birth" a new god from her mind, but Agatha wants this new god to be full of wrath so sh-
This might sound like a manic episode but this is just a demonstration of what happens when I start opening up. Didn't have to fake it for typing all this because I'm fundamental broken as a human 😀🔫