
Renewable energy is getting more and more affordable and widespread, and these dullards are going to wipe out any gains with their machine that flips a million trillion coins to figure out how to say "you're fired"
Sam Altman’s vision for AI proliferation will require a lot more computation and the energy to power it. He admitted it at Davos, but he said we shouldn’t worry: an energy breakthrough was coming, and in the meantime we could just use “geoengineering as a stopgap.” That should set off alarm bells.
Sam Altman's self-serving vision of the The OpenAI CEO expects the most marginalized to pay the price of his ambition
why don't they turn their GAI new gods to problems like nuclear fusion so they're actually useful
They're trying but all they get back is "Answer Unclear, Try Again Later".
like the entirety of startup investment in fusion is somewhere under 10 billion dollars while OpenAI is purportedly worth 80 billion
for literally the market cap of OpenAI we could have long-run sustainable nuclear fusion gaaaaahhhhhh investor priorities
well then! complaint withdrawn
AI solves the coin-flipping problem with the significant efficiency gains that comes with giving everything 12 fingers. More fingers = more simultaneous flips = much faster to produce disinformation where writers used to be.
stars winking out from Dyson spheres but it's all going to a combination of AI chat and cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin / crypto is worst:
"Energy usage from data centers that power global internet and artificial intelligence systems could double by 2026. A new report argues for more energy efficiency regulation for the data centers, which are also used to mine Bitcoin."
Electricity demand from data centres set to double by The world needs more data centres to support internet activity and the AI boom. That could double the associated electricity demand in the next few years
"An energy breakthrough is coming." Any day now.
AI is the new bitcoin. Has no social value, uses tons of energy, makes a select few self important d-bags rich.
Net energy gains from "renewable energy" are hotly contested, dubious and modest at best, but the technocracy of crypto and AI will surely wipe out any progress toward a cleaner, healthier more sustainable ecological future made by renewable energy programs. Earth requires a philosophical solution.
I guess crypto isn't wasting enough energy, so we need something else to destroy the planet for no good reason.
"Geoengineering" is techbro for unicorn farts. I forget how large a diamond mountain each American produces in carbon emissions each year, but I did the calculation once and, yikes. We don't want to "pull all the carbon out of the air"
If we miraculously turned ALL of our carbon emissions in the U.S. into diamond, without any additional energy input, that would convert 5 billion metric tons in a year into 1.4 billion cubic meters. Want to know how large 1.4 billion cubic meters of diamond looks like?
The Great Pyramid at Giza is about 2.6 million cubic meters. 1.4 billion cubic meters is about 550 Great Pyramids. Per year. Of diamond. That's the carbon equivalent of a diamond hill that's 1.5 Great Pyramids every day.
(That's the whole U.S. because I was reminded we should stop using individual carbon footprints.)
I know you're just having fun, but then, so am I. I estimate the US would need to increase its energy supply by 350% to convert its carbon emissions into diamonds (do that using clean energy of course, which if it did, would then mean it wouldn't need to do the carbon emissions in the first place)
Whenever I think of Sam Altman I just... can't help but think about Frank Cotton from the original Hellraiser...
This guy. Ejecting sulfurous compounds into the atmosphere to reduce the effects of climate change is a last ditch stopgap no one wants to do unless we have no choice. It’s not a green light to make incredibly inefficient black-box software.