
Wrapped up the DLC for Horizon Zero Dawn tonight and uninstalled the game. Feels good. Genuinely odd to try to get back into playing games for their own sake and not feeling obligated to come up with a pitch about it or a take or what have you
Being on the review treadmill for a decade and then stepping off last year was a liberating experience in some respects.
There's weird guilt attached to non-work-related gaming that I can put down now but haven't been able to entirely let go of yet
it is weird lol and nice i BARELY play games anymore outside of the WEIRD indie games and quirky stuff i WANT to play that publications would never let me write about it, and then i put those in my newsletter and then otherwise i kind of just play Balatro and read lol
used to have to play 80 hours a week now i don’t have to play lots of games UNLESS i’m doing a mock review or something lol
as a former professional musician l get that
When we stopped doing No Quarters I realized I could just talk about games instead of having to “save it for the pod.” Same with movies once we stopped doing a second half of BMFcast. I could play and watch on my own schedule and talk about them or not whenever if I wanted to. How it should be, haha
I had thought about becoming a "games journalist" but it's so thankless and very much driven by the wrong ideals I think. Reviewing products for $$$? Couldn't be me!