
I wish them the best of luck in this
ah yes reservoir dogs, in which things famously go great for the characters
Reservoir Dogs, that movie about badass guys
I do appreciate the work Reform is putting in to highlight the tragedies of illiteracy and alcoholism
I want to see Nigel Farage provide a lengthy and detailed explanation of "Like a Virgin." On second thought, there are a number of things I'd rather see, such as my disembowelment.
Of all the bits out of Reservoir Dogs you had to choose that one? With Farage?
tbf while they are british it's reform so the constant racism of tarantino makes more sense for them
Sadly the subtle nuance of everyone dying at the end due to treachery and greed is lost on them
they sort of have it possibly accidentally right in that i can definitely imagine it playing out like reservoir dogs metaphorically
I’m pretty willing to believe Nigel Farage doesn’t believe in tipping
This tracks though, because I guarantee Farage doesn't tip waiters
Their plans worked out perfectly and everyone lived happily ever after.
See I get this is a joke but I know these cunts will target my deprived ass former industrial region, the amount of votes they got from seats around here was really worrying and ' ha ha laugh at them' just fucking empowers them more. ( Not a problem in this web time zone but a big one in UK media )
I don't know how else to respond, they're awful and I want to see them fail at everything they set out to do, I'm not sure how pointing out the fact that they're too stupid to understand Reservoir Dogs helps them
they've never had to be particularly apt when the major UK news media starting with the BBC do everything they can to highlight & feature these clowns and their various bullsh*t screaming campaigns at every moment
Oh yes, I wasn't trying to waffles you, it's just very exhausting having years of them being platformed because they're fun to poke at, but it's by design, they know what they're doing - they're not too stupid to understand that this will rile people up, yknow? And I think it just needs pointing out
I'm just not sure it's a good idea to talk about having a giant bloody gunfight in parliament. Not something I would threaten, personally.
I will enjoy watching them trip over their own feet and then shoot their own ears off. There was ONE provably competent guy in Reservoir Dogs and neither of these two idiots are fit to tie his shoes. Also: do they know it's...a MOVIE?