
Traveling in a foreign country, ATM machine captures my card, won't give it back. I call the bank, they say, "Your card wasn't signed, we couldn't compare the signature." WTF? You had nothing to compare the signature to! It's an ATM card! What am I supposed to do?
"You must call your bank sir." JFC, I'm in a foreign country, and I only have one ATM card. Why won't you give my card back? "We will give it back sir, but it will take 5 days to write a report.
If you call back after 5 banking days then we will give you a case number, and then after 10 banking days we may be able to return your card. Do you understand that I have no money? "Yes sir, I'm sorry sir." My flight home is in 8 days, I have a grand total of about $50.
My bank, for their part, does not publish their customer service number to use from a foreign country, except on the back of my ATM card, which is currently inside an ATM machine. Thanks, guys! I finally found a number, called, and yes, they can send a new card. To my home address. In 7 to 10 days.
Great case to carry American Express, even with all its difficulties.