Mike Palmer

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Mike Palmer


Engineer, atheist, photographer, hiker, traveler
Reposted byAvatar Mike Palmer
“oh god don’t leave me please no i’m so sorry i’ll change i’m sick don’t leave me alone with myself please please please god no no NOOOOOOOOO”
Traveling in a foreign country, ATM machine captures my card, won't give it back. I call the bank, they say, "Your card wasn't signed, we couldn't compare the signature." WTF? You had nothing to compare the signature to! It's an ATM card! What am I supposed to do?
Reposted byAvatar Mike Palmer
Reposted byAvatar Mike Palmer
Reposted byAvatar Mike Palmer
Not knowing about greek mythology is my Achilles's Horse.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Palmer
"The profound rupture we feel today between the past and the present is a rupture in the moral history of the world since the ground zero of 1945." Really thoughtful and comprehensive and righteous stuff from Pankaj Mishra. Puts a name on a lot of my everyday dread. www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v4...
Pankaj Mishra · The Shoah after Gazawww.lrb.co.uk Memories of Jewish suffering at the hands of Nazis are the foundation on which most descriptions of extreme ideology and...
What does this mean? Did this person block me, or is the post blocked from everyone?
Turkey Vulture Aliso and Woods Canyon Orange County, California January 30, 2024
Basin and Range, Nevada, 2023
I've heard this countless times, invariably condescending: They don't deserve the land, we could do something better with it. They don't deserve their house, we would never have let it fall apart like that. Those parents don't deserve that kid, he would be better off with us.
In his final Q&A, DeSantis gets into his trip to Bethlehem and how it looked like a "pigsty," which said to him that Palestinians weren't good stewards of the land. "If Israel was not a sovereign over them, I don't know if they'd even last."
Worker: I'll repair this fence with pipe wrap. Spider: That will never work, but don't worry, I got this.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Palmer
Hey Consumer Cellular, all I wanted was to see your plans, but I can't even do that without getting unlimited spam for the rest of my life??? You can't possibly imagine how little I like that option.
End of feed.