
This is the 2nd semester where i've had someone just straight-up copy & then lightly reword their classmates' discussion posts. Are some of y'all not reading these assignments? Is that why they think they can get away with this shit? Really testing my good faith/benefit of the doubt tendencies, here
Like… They're technically weekly reflections, but they literally have until the end of the semester to turn these in, if they want. That's like a DOZEN WEEKS they could have been thinking on some of these. What the actual hell.
I had to sit some students down in my free time in one-2-ones and make them do the work with me step by step, which they ended up loving and really understanding - great-!——— while my life crumbled
Someone (techno-feudal patriarchal disaster-capitalism) keeps making students so afraid to fail that they default to not trying anything at all
Fear of failure explains why the student turned in an assignment that they largely copied. It doesn't explain why they weren't doing the thinking in the first place though.
I disagree, I found that they avoided starting doing the thinking at all out of paralytic fear of doing it wrong. I pushed all my teaching around tackling exactly this and their impetus to start got better and better