
My wife flew with my kid to drop her at running camp, and while my wife makes ALL the plans day to day, I normally do the trip plans, and Woooooooooo boy is my contribution to the family becoming clear this weekend.
I know your kid is very involved, but…”Running Camp” still sounds miserable AF.
This one is... advanced. But it's a great opportunity. Former Olympian speakers. Some of the best coaches in the country. Mid-day every day they run around the Blue Ridge mtns to swim or go WW Rapid riding. We sent her not to get noticed but so she can be around other kids at her level for a bit.
It can get REALLY hard to motivate when there are only maybe 10 other kids in the county who COULD run with her, and they're all so cut-throat they don't want to summer train with her.
Sounds like an amazing opportunity. I’m sure at her level of fitness it’s more exhilarating than grueling, but as a barely clinging to fitness middle-aged dude that sounds like it would simply kill me.
Yeah. Totally feel that. I am very curious what my ligaments would do with two 2 hour training sessions a day.
As somebody who is dealing with their first case of plantar fasciitis today, all this running talk is making my foot throb
I have issues with that and a 15 dollar thing solved a lot of it