
Great to be ruled from a zoom bunker by people who get their news from the wall street journal and facebook
I especially like how she was advised by a bunch of people who lost the White House to Donald Trump and continue to fail at everything they attempt.
They’re all so anxious, sweaty, entitled, aggrieved, and bad at their jobs, it’s staggering.
these people have won nearly every single election cycle since trump became president. what are you talking about?
Ok other than the time we drove the car directly into the ditch, we have successfully kept the car off the ditch other than the second time we put it in the ditch which was minor because we didn’t even want to win then. And definitely while careening toward the ditch now we feel confident…
I will leave you and the word salad in peace.
Look, the fucked the Trump election, they fucked the last house race, they fucked the courts, they fucked redistricting, and they are looking to fuck this year heartily. They are not doing great.
Shafik “faced impossible choices” like the impossible choice of not calling the cops on peaceful protesters
"If somebody walks into the office of your hedge fund and starts making noise, of course you call the cops"
Amazing how many problems can be avoided by getting out of the office and visiting the people you are developing a conflict with. Bridges, not walls.
One thing that hasn't changed about the bureaucrat cadre at Columbia over the decades: aloofness. As other universities have shown, top administrators can actually have contact with students and listen to their concerns rather than shun them and keep them at arm's length.
Of course Hillary Clinton makes an appearance (in spirit) in this whole debacle.
So, what I’m taking away from this is a handful of hardline administrators, donors, and elected officials created a mess that grew out of atrocity created by hardliners on both sides in Gaza, and Joe Biden’s getting sh*t for it.
Have not read this yet, just observing that this is written in wp not nytimes, the supposed paper of the city...