
I’m hearing a lot of “college kids today don’t know how to disagree because they are always in their little phone bubble” but it is by and large not the students who are calling up university presidents and demanding that speech they don’t like be banned.
Yup. The students are the ones trying use free speech to end a genocide. The bubble is the right-wingers inside a bizarre discourse that rationalizes that genocide. They don't live in reality.
...and the donors, and the administrators, and the mayors, and the members of Congress, and the Boards of Trustees, and nearly every conservative in the US.
it’s such cynical disinfo
also - anecdotal but - in my life the people with no control over their phone usage are boomers. I don't see my Gen Z cousins on the phone at family events if they're in the middle of people. I do frequently get annoyed by my parents lack of phone etiquette and rude behavior w/ cell phones
It’s the people paying for it. And if you damage a public university? We have the right to be pissed at the million dollar price tag and making it to where we public folks can’t just use the resources anymore!
Doing this to library books is pretty anti-speech and is harmful to the public.
Also “kids” they aren’t. They are full grown adults doing this damage. Also you are souring people bad on the very issue being protested. By the way, they are getting you on civil rights violations. And you are asking them to not enforce civil rights laws.
Stalking Jewish kids home and terrorizing them is hateful. And perhaps should complain
It's also not true! Study after study coming out recently points to the disillusionment we get from being online is that we're encountering more disagreement than we're naturally able to handle
Certainly if it was the students, nobody in admin would listen to them...