
someone on Twitter pointed out that the NYT to Biden at this point is exactly Piers morgan to meghan markle- a pompous legacy media figure that has reacted to being rejected by someone they were sure would want them like a deranged stalker bent on revenge at any cost
A tale of two newspapers, and two very different decisions.
Art Sulzberger is obsessed with biden in the exact way every creepy af incel is obsessed with women whose skin he makes crawl.
Come on man. This isn't who we are, making up conspiracy stories to explain why the press is "obsessed" with knowing whether the guy with the nuke codes freezes and gets confused often.
lol just stop, you can dislike Biden for like 200 diff reasons but this is bollocks and anyone with 2 working neurons knows it
I don't hate him at all. I was 100% supportive before Thursday, like most of the people trying so hard to be respectful and kind in this difficult time for their family. But this is not safe.
The damning thing is that after what we all saw happen, Jill and the staff *weren't concerned* like they would be if this were the first time it happened. If it never happened before they'd take him to Walter Reed immediately to see if he had a stroke.
if this is your focus at this point I genuinely don't think this conversation is gonna help either of us so lets stop here
Though it is extremely funny that the person claiming we shouldnt push conspiracy theories is out here diagnosing full blown strokes off video clips, House md on the loose here lol
Have we considered him having lupus?
Why would it be funny to you that the person with the nuclear codes had a serious cognitive event and no one took him to a doctor, they went and got fast food instead?
IDK, it seems like it was the stutter.