
"But unfortunately these are typically the least negotiable of the due dates you’ll receive." Authors ensure you ask at acquisition time who's responsible for hiring/paying for indexing. It's likely you. Start searching prior to, or at MS submission. Don't wait for email "due in two weeks"!
For those fretting about meeting their book publishing deadlines, some reassurance: And for extra comfort: I spoke to an acquiring editor at a prestigious UP today who said the “delinquency rate” for his authors turning in manuscripts on time is… 100% 😂
What Happens If You Miss a Publishing Deadline? — Manuscript Publishing deadlines arrive fast and are often met with panic and stress. Learn which deadlines really matter and how to communicate with your publisher if you’re in danger of missing one.
And of course that’s due to the publisher in two weeks, which means at best a week-and-a-half if the author’s to have any time to review the index and ask for tweaks.