India Bourke

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India Bourke

Independent enviro journalist, writing & editing for BBC Future Planet. Prev @ New Statesman, AFP & others.
Reposted byAvatar India Bourke
Menace or Megafauna: Where do you sit on the wild boar question? I rooted into the issue for @BBCFuture: #feral #pigs #rewilding
For the Americans out there: I wrote about the less well-known bug-hunting obsession behind the story of daylight savings: @BBC_Future (with stunning original illustrations)
For anyone battling against feelings of hopelessness in the face of climate change - or trying to support others who are, especially young people - I strongly recommend the counsel of There’s still time. My interview for BBC Future planet:
My latest for BBC Future is about The First Country with a plant-Based Plan! Could be particularly relevant to this week’s upcoming COP28 discussions around food & ag, with the FAO expected to encourage wealthy nations to cut back their meat consumption:
Reposted byAvatar India Bourke
Reposted byAvatar India Bourke
🚨‼️URGENT PSA ‼️🚨 If you know anyone attending #COP28, please tell them *under no circumstances* to download the summit app from the UAE. Like last year, we have credible intel this could be used as a cyberweapon. Spread the word!
Egypt’s COP27 summit app is a cyber weapon, experts Security officials raise fears over the Egyptian government’s mobile app as POLITICO analysis shows it can listen to private conversations and access encrypted texts.
Shopify is sho-pi-cking
Happy Black Friday everyone! Here's a pretty fun + wild blog post about Shopify: the massive e-commerce company hoovering up carbon removal to (a) justify obscene, wasteful overconsumption and (b) excuse a fairly shocking internal program that INCENTIVISES flying
I haven’t posted anything on Israel-Palestine, even though it has been consuming much of my thoughts and emotions this past month. But this, by my friend sums up so much of those painful feelings so well that I’m making an exception:
Such sad news. Saleemul Huq always had time and invaluable insights to share, even for very junior journalists. A huge loss after such a vast contribution
Sad news being reported, that Saleemul Huq has died. He was one of the greatest champions for climate action to meet the needs of the poor. At the front of getting world governments to move on 1.5C, adaptation finance and loss & damage.
A must read new investigation on the meat lobby!
hello bluesky! i have a new story, it's about how livestock industry consultants wrote a 'declaration of scientists' that is being used to lobby against climate and health policies if you're interested in the nexus of climate change and meat, follow me!
Revealed: The livestock consultants behind the Dublin Declaration of Leading European agribusiness groups are using a manifesto called the Dublin Declaration to lobby EU officials against policies to reduce meat consumption.
Cannot recommend enough ‘s new book, Climate Capitalism. A highly readable, informed & informative overview of how our era’s most urgent transition is already underway. We just need to speed it up, big time. (pic from last night’s launch event, giving Monet vibes)
New Article! As the climate emergency intensifies, so does noise around extreme interventions, including solar geoengineering. Kim Stanley Robinson's 2020 novel, Ministry for the Future, laid out a potential deployment scenario. I spoke to him & others about what might unfold in reality...
To avert climate disaster, what if one rogue nation dimmed the Sun? In an influential cli-fi novel, a desperate government ignores international consensus and pumps aerosols into the atmosphere to cool the world. Could it happen for real?
Thanks to for the set up code! I have a BBC Future piece on solar geoengineering coming out next week, with quotes from KSR, Malm & other fascinating minds. So follow me if that’s your thing. More nature/enviro content to follow!
End of feed.