Ketan Joshi

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Ketan Joshi

Fighting alongside my friends for the best possible pathway to climate justice and fossil fuel elimination. Anti-greenwashing.

Creator / curator of Greensky: [email protected]
Peter Dutton manages to nudge Australian print media outlets climate mentions up to a high not seen since Nov 2022. And all it took was him spouting some nonsense bullshit that was nonetheless coded to be media catnip while real, serious issues are ignored
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When the France election results are good
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Here's some fashy tears for your Sunday.
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Every bit of news about a moderately left political victory around the world and I can feel my shoulders drop another inch from my ears.
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This is what's going on over on X. Friends don't let friends stay there. Tell them how good it is here! (or on Threads! or even on LinkedIn!)
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We will see how the final result lands, but if this holds it does seem likely that given a choice between the center and the far right, voters chose the far right. Given a choice between the left and the far right, they chose the left. How about that!
RE the french elections - do exit polls tend to be a reliable predictor of outcomes? How happy are we allowed to pre-emptively be here
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The 2nd leading pollster projects a similar result—if anything a higher range for the Left coalition. This wld be a much stronger result than expected for the Macron bloc. If confirmed, key takeaway: Left & Macronist voters transferred onto each other much more than expected. Clear anti-RN front.
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JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
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Well this is grim
This survey illustrates kind of perfectly why the fossil fuel industry spends so much marketing spend talking about jobs, economics and how dependent government revenue is on fossil fuels.
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REMINDER: Elon Musk, billionaire media mogul, is a racist, enabler of right-wing violence. His tiny, hateful mind can't think beyond white supremacy & borders which is not unrelated to why he claims space colonization will save us: MARSIFICATION. (See #ClimateSky 🔌💡
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Carbon footprints among different income deciles in Germany are pretty similar.... until you look at transport. Once again, a very strong argument for a frequent fliers tax.
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This is beyond the fucking pale Putrid vile sickening blatant Islamophobic racism Remember Labor supports genocide next election day It's a tough read but this is an excellent article by Alex Mckinnon Please read and share Free Palestine 🇵🇸
The thing that pops into my memory here is that during the first few days / weeks of the Yassmin Abdel-Magied outrage, a huge swathe of white centre-left "progressives" either quietly condemned her or said nothing at all. It was only when they had safety in numbers that they supported her.
They know they're Why Labor and the media are brutalising Fatima Payman
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"Tomme" kollektivfelt. Det er da ingen som er så dumme at de tror at hvis bilene fikk stå i kokkeltivfeltet og lage kø også, så kunne de på magisk vis flyttet seg når bussen kom?
Mediene, nå NRK , fortsetter sin kampanjejournalistiskk for privatbil. Poenget med kollektivfelt er at kollektivtrafikken skal komme fram.
– Har gått prestisje i å holde kollektivfeltene Men Vegvesenet har dårlige nyheter til dem som vil ha elbilene tilbake i bussfila.
Such a good collection of lovely people ⤵️⤵️⤵️
Read this great thread below. We can build a climate community on Bluesky. Here’s a starter pack for folks to follow some people who work on climate.
Do Something About Climate Change Starter Join the conversation
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Read this great thread below. We can build a climate community on Bluesky. Here’s a starter pack for folks to follow some people who work on climate.
Yesterday, I shared this same Canada Day thread on Bluesky, Threads, and X. Here's what I found. 🧵
Do Something About Climate Change Starter Join the conversation
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Hey 👋 everyone who added me from’s climate starter pack! Hi! I work on electricity policy for energy justice. I’m part of the California crew who fought for “equitable building decarb” and a member of I’m queer. And I’m a former oil and gas engineer.
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How far will the fossil fuel industry go to protect itself from climate impacts it helped cause? A $21 billion liquefied natural gas plant in Louisiana will be surrounded by a 26-foot-high steel sea wall to stave off rising seas.
A rising fortress in sinking Rising seas and steel walls test the strength of a Louisiana coastal gas development, raising questions about flooding, climate change and community impacts.
Back in the early to mid 2010s there was this view that you should gently convince right wingers to believe in climate science and my response was always: "a right wing that believes the science is scarier than one that denies it" WELP HERE WE ARE
Far right using climate crisis as bogeyman to frighten voters and build higher walls | Jonathan It is no coincidence that ever more extreme politics has come at a time of ever more extreme weather
unpopular opinion: [flat-out lie] (30k RTs) (89k likes) (2k comments)
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There is a 7 foot tall guy behind Rishi Sunak who likely ran for office just to be able to hold a printed out L behind him during his concession speech.
One of the most head-spinning but largely unchallenged fossil industry lies in Australia is a monthly "warning" issued that there's a "gas shortage" which requires a million new gas fields to be opened up. More gas is burned *just to process gas exports* than is used domestically in manufacturing.
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What does the @IPCC_CH AR6 say about GHG emission metrics (GWP, GTP, GWP* etc)? This was covered in an in-session workshop at the June #SB58 subsidiary bodies meeting of the @UNFCCC. A nerdy thread on the findings from WGIII from a mitigation perspective🧵1/26 (re-post from twitter, sorry)
The thing that pops into my memory here is that during the first few days / weeks of the Yassmin Abdel-Magied outrage, a huge swathe of white centre-left "progressives" either quietly condemned her or said nothing at all. It was only when they had safety in numbers that they supported her.
They know they're Why Labor and the media are brutalising Fatima Payman
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The ickiest part of this is that even the slightest adjacency of human influence when it comes to afforestation or reforestation is counted as fully human induced and counted as negative emissions, like heavy rainfall on lands vaguely where people farm and decided to not entirely destroy the land
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