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Building progressive grassroots power and holding members of Congress accountable. Make a difference in a few clicks:
Our movement didn't exist in 2016. But we're here now, and we're doing the work it will take to defeat Trump again in November. We don’t receive huge checks from hedge funds or Big Pharma — your grassroots support fuels our organizing to win across the country. Chip in now!
We Beat Trump Once. We'll Beat Him Donald Trump is running for President again. Indivisible beat Trump in 2020 -- now it's our time to mobilize and do it again.
Trump and his MAGA enablers must pay a political price for ending Roe. The most effective way to ensure Republicans are held accountable in November is our groundbreaking voter contact tool that prioritizes talking to your neighbors. Sign up now:
No matter where you live or how much free time you have over the next four months, you can make a difference in this election. We need your help to stop Trump from returning to power to ban abortion nationwide:
Just because you’re still on Twitter doesn’t mean you can’t help collectively address its hateful, dangerous direction and help strengthen better, more functional alternatives:
We’ve got an aggressive plan for the next four months. We’ve launched our groundbreaking voter contact tool in battleground states and districts. We’re working with our groups to make sure every vulnerable Republican is tightly linked to the most unpopular MAGA policies. We need your support!
I just gave to Indivisible Action - Unlimited! Show your support with a contribution.
We’re calling voters in the state where our country first declared its independence from kings with unlimited power. Help us raise awareness about Trump’s threats, the Supreme Court, and what’s at stake in November:
When they’re not busy taking away our rights, trying to make Trump a king or being treated to luxury vacations by their billionaire benefactors, the MAGA justices are giving themselves more power. Tell your senators it’s time to rein in this corrupt Supreme Court:
We Just Witnessed the Biggest Supreme Court Power Grab Since The court has given itself nearly unlimited power over the administrative state, putting everything from environmental protections to workers’ rights at risk.
Our Rural Caucus is empowering local leaders to advocate for diverse communities, from health care access to economic development. Help ensure every voice is heard in the upcoming elections. secure.everyaction.c...
Tell your Members of Congress to demonstrate their opposition to Netanyahu's disregard for the slaughter of innocent Palestinians and reuniting hostages with their families by refusing to attend his speech on July 24:
Instead of agonizing, we’re organizing. Indivisibles are already knocking on doors in every battleground state and district with our groundbreaking voter contact tool. Sign up now & make a difference in this election with the most effective GOTV tool:
Hey Indivisibles! Dive into our Group Support Hub packed with: 📚 Resources & Toolkits 💸 Fundraising Strategies 🎓 Training Sessions 🖥️ Tech Support We have everything you need and more. Check it out now:
Our dedicated volunteers are committed to making this election a decisive stand against MAGA extremism and the GOP's threats to our reproductive freedom. We’ve got the tools, the volunteers and the strategy to win, but we need your help to reach as many voters as possible.
Support Indivisible Today! Show your support with a contribution.
We need to make sure voters understand the stakes of this election: It's democracy vs. dictatorship. Let's get to work: www.majorityovermaga...
Local Voices Local Power is our answer to the unbalanced election ecosystem. We’re giving our groups a boost in the fight against billionaire influence. Let’s build a democracy that works for ALL of us:
Local Voices, Local Want to take your voter outreach plans to the next level? Indivisible's Local Voices, Local Power program supports groups in their local endorsement programs...
Arizona Indivisibles collected 31,939 signatures (145% of their goal of 22,000) to stop a GOP abortion ban and restore reproductive freedom in their state. Please show some love to our Arizona volunteers for a very successful year of determined work in every county from Apache to Yuma! 👏
If the MAGA justices get their way and Trump wins a second term wielding the absolute immunity the Supreme Court has granted him, our democratic experiment is in deep, deep trouble. It’s up to us to preserve our democracy.
We Beat Trump Once. We'll Beat Him Donald Trump is running for President again. Indivisible beat Trump in 2020 -- now it's our time to mobilize and do it again.
The Supreme Court is no longer legitimate. Five of the nine justices were appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote. The three justices appointed by Trump were confirmed by senators representing a minority of the American people.
Ask Your Senators to Take a Stand Against Supreme Court The Supreme Court has a corruption problem. Clarence Thomas has been accepting lavish gifts and luxury vacations from far-right billionaires who want to buy influence over the court. Brett Kavanaugh h...
Winning in November will take millions of one-on-one conversations and there’s no tool more effective for voter contact than Neighbor2Neighbor. Sign up now and start talking to your neighbors today if you’re in one of these states or districts:
Our Reproductive Freedom Agenda is how we can go beyond restoring Roe to ensure that everyone, everywhere has bodily autonomy. Help us build support for these important pieces of legislation:
How do we know that Trump would sign a national abortion ban? Because he stacked the courts with anti-abortion judges, he still brags about getting rid of Roe, and he said women who need abortions should be punished.
Support Indivisible Today! Show your support with a contribution.
By skipping Netanyahu's speech, your Members of Congress can show they do not support the continued bloodshed of innocent Palestinians or his neglect in prioritizing reuniting hostages with their families. Email them today.
NO TO NETANYAHU: Tell your members of Congress not to attend the Background: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accepted an invitation to give a joint address to Congress, and it’s expected this will happen sometime before the August recess. But Netanyahu should not be given this platform. He has used the war in Gaza for his own political gain, insisting on a prolonged military response that has led to the suffering and deaths of tens of thousands of innocent civilians and has not prioritized reuniting hostages with their families. Even President Biden acknowledges it is "completely reasonable" to understand Netanyahu’s motivation for continuing the war as political. Netanyahu brags about meddling in US politics, and has used past appearances before Congress to undermine President Obama and sabotage other critical peace processes. We should expect he’d do the same now. President Biden has laid out a peace deal and is encouraging all parties at the table to take it - the US must use more leverage to close that deal, not give Netanyahu a platform to play partisan politics. Members of Congress must send a clear message that they do not support the continued bloodshed and slaughter of innocent Palestinians or Netanyahu's disregard for returning hostages to their loved ones. Email your member now.
The Supreme Court is in a crisis. Congress must: ✅ Expose corruption on the court by investigating Justices Thomas and Alito ✅ Establish a binding code of ethics ✅ Unstack the MAGA supermajority by expanding the court Tell your Senators to push for a full investigation.
Ask Your Senators to Take a Stand Against Supreme Court The Supreme Court has a corruption problem. Clarence Thomas has been accepting lavish gifts and luxury vacations from far-right billionaires who want to buy influence over the court. Brett Kavanaugh had his debts mysteriously paid off before his confirmation hearings. And now, Samuel Alito has been caught flying symbols associated with the January 6 insurrection at his homes, on at least two separate occasions. He was displaying his loyalty to the MAGA Movement for his whole neighborhood to see at the same time that the Supreme Court was considering whether or not to take up Trump’s election challenge lawsuit. And now, the Supreme Court is about to release decisions on two more cases related to January 6, including whether or not Trump has immunity for his role in inciting the whole thing. It’s clear that Alito cannot be a fair and impartial arbiter of the law. In fact, our democracy is in danger the longer he is on the bench. He cannot be allowed to rule on any cases related to Trump – especially if there’s an election challenge that makes it to the court this November. We need Congress to act now to hold Alito, and all the corrupt MAGA justices, accountable. The Senate Judiciary Committee called on Alito to recuse himself and requested a meeting with Chief Justice Roberts, but they both refused. The Judiciary Committee cannot let their investigation end there. They must subpoena both Alito and Roberts to uncover the truth about MAGA corruption on the court. Fill out this form right now to email your Senators. Tell them that you’re outraged by the corruption on the Supreme Court and that you expect them to call on the Senate Judiciary Committee to do their job and thoroughly investigate corruption on the court, including issuing subpoenas for Alito and Roberts.
SCOTUS’ ruling in Donald J. Trump v. United States is nothing less than a judicial coup. You’re going to hear a lot of speeches from politicians and read a lot of fundraising emails. But, the reality is these asks either don’t matter or will not save us (like the courts). Here’s the hard truth. 🧵
Arizona's abortion ban from 1864 is no more, but Arizonans are still dealing with a GOP abortion ban that was passed two years ago. Join the movement to defend democracy and protect reproductive freedom across this battleground state.
There are only 126 days until the election, and we’re already working to reach voters in battleground states and make this race a referendum on MAGA extremism. We have the best volunteers, the most effective tools, and a winning strategy.