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He wanted to be Trump’s VP pick. Instead, he’s speaking before Trump’s daughter-in-law.
We’re old enough to remember when lots of people thought Ron DeSantis was going to win the GOP nomination. A lot can change in a few months.
After announcing “I feel no need to kiss the ring” a few months ago, she’s at the GOP convention to do just that.
Come on, man. Have some self-respect.
MAGA Mike Johnson’s office uses the same Christian nationalist flag as the Alitos.
We are working 24/7 to defeat MAGA in November. But phonebanks, postcards, texting, and door-knocking all cost money. And unlike Republicans and their dark money backing, we’re powered by small-dollar donations from people like you. Please pitch in to support our nationwide organizing work!
I just gave to Indivisible Action - Unlimited! Show your support with a contribution.
Arizona’s leading election denier is speaking at the GOP convention.
We love to see the White House take executive action to protect tenants from exorbitant rent increases. This is a great step in the direction of providing protections for all tenants. We encourage the Biden-Harris Administration to continue taking bold action on behalf of the American people.
FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces Major New Actions to Lower Housing Costs by Limiting Rent Increases and Building More Homes | The White President Biden calls on corporate landlords to cap rent increases at 5% and takes action to make more public land available for housing President Biden is taking action to make renting more affordabl...
Reposted byAvatar Indivisible
“While working in the Trump White House, Miller was largely responsible for some of the administration’s most draconian and cruel policies, including its ‘Muslim ban’ and its family separation policy.” "He is expected to again serve as a top adviser if Trump wins in November …”
Noted white nationalist Stephen Miller attempts to distance himself from Project 2025 after appearing in recruitment video. The general counsel for his America First Legal group also wrote a chapter on the DOJ for the project’s policy book:
Stephen Miller attempts to distance himself from Project 2025 after appearing in recruitment
Trump’s VP pick wants to let law enforcement access medical records to track down and prosecute abortion patients. If Trump and Vance win in November, they “could rescind the rule protecting abortion records from police investigation.”
J.D. Vance Wants Police To Track People Who Have Trump’s vice presidential pick pressured regulators to let police access the records of people who cross state lines for abortions.
We need your help to stop MAGA Republicans from banning abortion nationwide and you can make a difference in this election no matter where you live or how much time you have:
Raquel Terán has spent decades fighting for change as a community organizer, a state legislator and chair of the Arizona Democratic Party. Now she's running for Congress and we're proud to endorse this progressive champion! Join our phonebank to help elect Raquel:
Our Reproductive Freedom Agenda is how we can go beyond restoring Roe to ensure that all Americans have bodily autonomy. Let’s build support for these important pieces of legislation:
Rain or shine, our organizers are doing the work to win in November. They’re raising awareness on the stakes of this election by talking to their neighbors and holding local events. Please pitch in to support all we're doing to restore reproductive freedom for every American:
Meet MAGA minion JD Vance. 👇
Another Republican putting their career ahead of the country.
After spending months trying to convince Americans he's a "moderate" on abortion rights, Trump just picked a running mate who wants to end abortion. Don't take our word for it: This is from JD Vance's campaign website.
Vance's evolution from MAGA critic to MAGA minion sums up the GOP under Trump. By selecting an election denier, Trump is betting on Vance being the VP who oversees the implementation of Project 2025. We must organize to stop this radical Christian nationalist agenda in November.
In the coming week, we're going to hear many Republicans claim that any effort to accurately describe the stakes of this election is divisive or dangerous. Meanwhile, the GOP is giving key speaking slots to some of the most dangerous and divisive voices in the country.
Marjorie Taylor Greene indicated support for executing prominent Democrats in 2018 and 2019 before running for Congress | CNN Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene repeatedly indicated support for executing prominent Democratic politicians in 2018 and 2019 before being elected to Congress, a CNN KFile review of hundreds of ...
The key to winning in November could be talking to your neighbors. Sign up for our groundbreaking voter contact tool and we’ll send you everything you need to get started today:
From community organizing to the state legislature to her time as Arizona Democratic Party chair, Raquel Terán has spent decades fighting for change. Now she's running for Congress and we're proud to endorse this progressive champion! Join our phonebank to help elect Raquel:
“Our volunteers are refusing to take a break — they’re too excited to move right into working to elevate pro-choice candidates." - our Mari Urbina. Shoutout to all the Arizona Indivisibles who refuse to let up after collecting signatures to get abortion rights on the ballot! www.washingtonexamin...
Arizona abortion-rights group turns in 800,000 signatures to place measure on ballot - Washington Arizona abortion-rights proponents are believed to have collected the most signatures for a referendum in state history.
Your work — whether it's talking to neighbors, texts, phone calls or postcards — plays a crucial role in making change happen. Get started today and help us defeat MAGA: www.majorityovermaga...
✅ Reproductive freedom ✅ Voting rights ✅ Ban assault weapons ✅ Real climate action ✅ Increase the minimum wage ✅ Pass the PRO Act This is what we can win if we beat MAGA in November.
This election is not just about the names at the top of the ticket (though Trump is uniquely reprehensible). It’s about the entire incoming administration, the House, the Senate and the courts.
Support Indivisible Today! Show your support with a contribution.
It’s about governing for the people, not planning a “second American Revolution” like Trump’s not-so-silent partners -- the architects of Project 2025. We need your support to stop MAGA across the nation: