
I'll come out and say it. AI feels very abuse/sexpesty. I don't want it, I didn't consent to it, it causes harm, wastes massive energy, has gigantic fuckboi red alerts, and produces only bullshit and pain while thieving our time.
"But it saves time by doing the thing for you!" No, it plagiarized from a million different unpaid sources, and the result is still going to be complete dogshit that is gonna need to be abandoned and started from scratch due to hallucinations
I had a kid (15 yr old boy) want to take a selfie with me (his 60+ science teacher) on the last day of school. I refused. He was hurt, but I explained I just don't want my photo out there, willy-nilly, where I have to say what happens to it. It's a sad place we've reached.
Not wrong! I represented artists and their work for a long time. I always thought artists having their work used without consent was basically criminal. Not taking that nonsense from individual men, businessfolk, nor corporations. GTFO! Consent now. Consent tomorrow. Consent forever!
Well said! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
It was cooked up by tech bros, so of course it feels like that
oh. And is fueling yet another stupid tech funding bubble that’ll grind up the Bay Area when it pops.