
Cool little maze generator idea
New Maze Generating Algorithm (Origin Shift) Check out this maze generation algorithm I came up with. I call it the "origin shift" algorithm. I looked everywhere and couldn't find anything like it, but if you find a similar algorithm then please let me know. Feel free to use it in your games, programs, or other stuff. Try out the algorithm yourself by visiting this site: And you can download the code here: The algorithm goes as follows: 1. Start with a grid of nodes. Each has a direction property that can point nowhere, or to one of its neighbors. 2. Initialize the grid to be any perfect maze, that being a maze with no loops or isolated areas. Each node should point to one neighboring node, with a single node, the origin node, pointing nowhere. 3. Repeat the following steps for as many iterations as you'd like: 3a. Have the origin node, point to a random neighboring node. 3b. That neigboring node becomes the new origin node. 3c. have the new origin node point nowhere. DqwertyC's maze generating algorithms web app: DqwertyC's Channel: Music: Tokyo Music Walker - Slowely Artificial.Music - Faithful Mission Chapters: 0:00 Intro 1:10 The algorithm 2:20 Running the algorithm 3:04 How the algorithm works 5:14 When you should use the algorithm 5:45 Outro