
part of why I want to push back against full Doomerism is that last month it looked like the EU was going to be plunged into a fascist revival and mass torment of immigrants was unavoidable. Now we have the UK stopping their foreign concentration camp idea and France knee capping the right.
In France, the left coalition comes in first, Macron second, the far-right third. The best way to defeat fascism is not centrism, it’s a strong left.
It's not over until you're dead and even then wait to see if they choke on your bones
Good lesson in trying to parse out the degree to which media predictions and analysis and narratives actually mean anything. Similarly I think the US freakout over Biden Old doesn't matter, at all, to 99% of people
Also note that Macron is also a shitty centrist that people hate but people rallied around his party to keep the far right out. This shit motivates voters