
Last week I faced my fear of biking on Boston-area streets and rode my bike to pick up my 4-year-old from daycare. She loved it, but turning off Mass Ave was hairy. This morning I asked if we should bike again and she said "Yes!!...Do a better job," and kissed me on the leg.
Loving the protected Mass ave bike lane in Cambridge. Hoping it extends to Arlington soon (bike my daughter to school on both parts). It's getting so much better here!
We only need to be on Mass Ave for literally one block in Arlington, but it involves a left turn from the bike lane across three lanes of traffic. Next time I'm taking the sidewalk/crosswalk because I like being alive!
Yeah, the cross from Mass Ave in Cambridge to Mass Ave in Arlignton is similar. We cross-walk it. Ugh, those left turns, though! The worst! You're spot on with avoiding!
Were you all around for the East Arlington Concerned Citizens Committee protesting the bike lanes on Mass Ave? I’m amazed that the bike lanes finally got put in, and the car lanes got reduced to 3 (if I recall correctly, the original redesign proposed 2 lanes for cars).
my understanding is that at least a chunk of it actually happening is that one particularly unflagging elderly opponent finally died
The ringleader I’m thinking of spent $100k on lawyers and his own traffic study to get the answers he wanted, then moved to Florida after he lost.