
pls u don't need to censor yourself here 😭 u can even add links to posts there is no algorithm that banishes u for it
There is an algorithm. The difference here is that there are many thanks to the feeds. That said, there are certain topics Bluesky doesn’t like, so there is a level self censoring, and it’s nothing really controversial. Idk, maybe it’s just a “know the audience” sorta thing.
yeah but that's feed-specific and doesn't affect whether you show up in the Following feed you don't need to censor words like commission, patreon or the like, you can freely add links without an algorithm banishing you for it like on twitter if individuals choose to blacklist certain words,
that is a whole different story, but that's on an individual level. the only "damning" thing I can see right now are falsely applied content labels, and you can dispute these.
oh gotcha, yeah I have def seen that. You are right.
what topics doesn’t bluesky like? genuinely curious what you mean. ☺️
what are the taboos here? bluesky is federated now and in the fedi there is like half of servers that wont talk to the other half, left vs right lol, nostr is much freeer, is great
Keet - The Peer to Peer Chat Keet is a peer-to-peer chat application that allows users to communicate directly with each other. 100% end-to-end encrypted. Never on a server.
oh gosh, I tried nostr and let's just say I will stay away from it for a very very veryyyyy long time. I'll be sticking with Bluesky/ATProto. Never used keet before, looks interesting, thanks for sharing.
keet is more like bluesky , what was your issues with nostr?
It was a vibe thing mostly. But also, not 5 mins after I joined I was getting hit with crypto deals and 'investment' opportunities. 😵‍💫
it really depends which app you use, i think the main ones are the best entry, like amethyst and damus, but now after using bluesky i see it is much better for new users, and nostr is too complicated
YES But for the sake of fairness, I will say that too many social networks prohibit the publication of frank NSFW, and links also strongly influence algorithms 🥲 It is quite difficult to get used to the reverse or it happens by inertia
yeah but the point still stands that this isn't the case *here* and ppl actively hinder the searchability of their posts by calling it c0mmissi0ns for example (which I would argue is not in the poster's interest)
I *know* why people do it. this was just a reminder that it's frankly quite useless here
Yep yep friendly reminder it's really good now 🫡❤️ Thanks for reminding people of this
have to dodge word filters is really annoying on twitter