
reflecting on the immunity decision a bit, what the Court seems to be saying is that every element of the executive branch is at the President’s disposal, no matter what he wants to use it for. his motives don’t matter. the office is a weapon to be wielded however he sees fit.
the simple way to think about it is that the office of the presidency is a gun. the Court has held that when you become the President, you have an unfettered right to use that gun any way you please. an insane decision.
It’s cool how Roberts completely annihilated DoJ independence with a little fun aside, as a treat
Has to preemptively clear the way for Trump to explicitly pressure the DOJ to go after his enemies, that's the proper way to do it after all, keep it all above board.
I mean no law really restrained that, it was purely if the AJ had any integrity. Trump was told if you go that route "something bad might happen." But what? Maybe a charge of obstruction after office? Even that was unlikely before today. Now even the most minimal restraint is gone.