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#NAFO is my spirit animal
I've been resurrected on X. It troubles me that the resistance is so disorganized. It's like "oh, Trump and his people might be elected" we should name a seafood stew over it.
lmk if the resistance on Bluesky actually bucks up and starts using a yellow submarine, and heroic deeds that Marvel should handle. This is downright scary.
Do you ever look at Bluesky and think this is what Twitter used to be, before the wars erupted in middle earth, and you had to out-troll your neighbor, to become the sicker sicko in order to get follows and likes, until you were leaving a trail of slime behind you, in all your twitt... er, X affairs
I hope somewhere, deep in a rebel base on the Russian Border, there is a presence warning prisoners that they don't know the power of the dark side. If not, how can I apply for that position?
I already miss wrecking polls. I admit, that part of X/Twit was fun. It's only a few days into my suspension. I'll get thru this. - Diary of an Exiled Fella
Reposted byAvatar InstaFella
I feel like the man behind the curtain (Biden) was just granted real wizard like powers by the supreme court, but he's got other wizards whispering in his ear... greasy alley cat wizards lmk if you know how this story ends
Reposted byAvatar InstaFella
Reposted byAvatar InstaFella
Why isn't Bluesky full of attack bots, hoping to dissuade me from my evil ways?
Why are there so many cats on Bluesky?
I think we can capture MAGA - worldwide - if we set up a movie theater showing Rambo. On loop.
Reposted byAvatar InstaFella
If you need a picture to illustrate today, please show this : This is Dnipro , Ukraine today after russia attacked the city centre and ruined a civilian apartment building. emergency psychologist helping a girl on a site of the attack . Friday.
I don't want people to think I'm on Ambassador Snuggledick's side in the donation wars. Indeed, I'm on the side of random, drive thru Russian shootings. Condemnation. Violence. Anal exposure with Astroglide. Stuff like that.
There is no banjo music in Russian experience. The best thing to do, if you're a redneck looking to upstage a tragically simple hunter is attack Russian banjo music. Youi know you wanna. I mean, your erect penis wants to. Feed it. Goodbye
Reposted byAvatar InstaFella
Biden: This guy will hand Ukraine to Putin Trump: That's not true. I'll hand Ukraine to Putin
It's interesting to see the entire liberal world try to validate both Biden staying in, and an alternative. Actually, it's kinda depressing. Yet another fail of the Dems.
Trump will win 2024 if Biden stays in - barring some massively undermining news of Trump.
If there was a holiday airshow going on. would you scoot down to watch it, or wait for the inevitable monotony of zero crashes, zero injury on TV.
If you're reading this, it's because well... I dunno why. The point I'm trying to make tho, is that I dislike both Democrats and Republicans. I think DC is a shitshow choreographed by them both, thru some ultra secret shitshow choreography department. That said. I'm not on your side.
I did not anticipate landing on Bluesky right after the entire democratic institution goes into meltdown. Tell me of your kinks, as you descend into lifestyles of wild abandon, now that you accept the end is near.
What matters most: 1) Hittin' up the dispensary 2) Getting drunk AF 3) a healthy sinker in the toilet bowl 4) Bonking anything Russian
Companies called Peace Frogs aren't really selling Peace Frogs. They generally sell clothing. This is an industry that begs for regulation.
Look, I'm no Biden fan. He's a good, but not great, statesman. That said, voting for Trump is like voting for hell on the streets for four years. Longer if he and his kind just refuse to stand down. He needs to fairly lose. Brutal transparency. Even then, I suspect MAGA will still cry foul.
Are we A) NAFO: (NahhhFohhh) B) NAFO: (NaYYYFohhh) C) NAFO: (Just bonk, dun worry about it)
Reposted byAvatar InstaFella
And also the NYTimes Editorial Board and paid employees (glaring at you, Trump puppet Maggie Haberman) who promote the convicted felon, rapist, racist, liar & fraud.
I changed my name and handle to protect the innocent.
You guys know that if you're still discussing the debate 24 hours later you'll turn into a pumpkin and get harvested. Turned into random pumpkin spice treats. Stay safe.