
Lost art! A nightmare by UPS On 6th of October tracking stopped on a box containing 23 pieces or original watercolour paintings. Big and small pieces. Let me share a couple of them. Should you see any of these offered somewhere l, know they weren’t legally obtained
It breaks my heart to know these are lost to me. And UPS has opened and closed the investigation numerous times. They’re not cooperating at all and we’ve been trying so hard to get them to look for these giving them clear descriptions of everything. From the side of the box to what’s in there
But ups isn’t helping. We don’t even know if the box ever made it out of The Netherlands. Today I was told it got scanned in Philadelphia but since it wasn’t a physical scan we can’t take that as being true… weird huh?
It is breaking my heart to know these pieces, much beloved and moths of work are out there, maybe stolen, maybe damaged. They are so dear to me. Months of work and a big loss of income. I wasn’t able to insure the parcel as they will not insure or ship high value art like this…
I have zero confidence in ever seeing these again. But I hope I will. If you see these pop up somewhere, know they’re taken from me. There’s 23 of them in total, I didn’t have time to take pics of them all as I was pressed for time to send the artwork in time for a show.
Absolutely heartbreaking. I hope you eventually find them
OMG! 😱 I can’t immagine how frustrating this is… a big supportive hug ❤️
It’s a difficult thing to navigate. I’m just extremely frustrated by the incompetence of ups
Not to mention their cost. For a book from the UK I paid more for handling paperwork at UPS than for duties and the book price together.
If you want to go for the nuclear option it looks like Kate Gutmann is the VP in charge of international business. It's [email protected] I don't know if it's still current, but it's attached to a facebook post from some teamsters trying to remove in vehicle cameras in 2020
These are so delicate and beautiful--the mushrooms especially delight my heart. I'm so sorry this happened and the UPS is being so uncooperative.
I've seen this happen to so many artists!! Makes me think that the next time I need to ship something big or important I might as well just transport it myself
OMG! That’s awful! Incredible that they don’t automatically pay for the value of the contents. Guess that’s why they’re “cheaper”. The professionalism goes down the drain.
It’s impossible to insure for the amount it’s actually worth. To them it’s just paper. Nothing more. Their fine print, and that of any shipper will tell you they won’t payout high value items like this. To them it’s worth the costs of the materials. Nothing more
I’m sure. But it’s also hundreds of hours of work and your main source of income. The least they could do is to pay a percentage of the value. Or at least try to find the parcel
That is awful! I’m so sorry 😞
How awful, I'm so sorry this happened!
Oh no, it's truly heartbreaking. I hope they'll be found by an honest person and sent back, somehow...
Oh no oh no oh no, I'm so sorry! Your work is exquisite. This is so maddening!
Truly beautiful art. I’m sorry that happened to you and who ever they were meant for.
Oh no! This is a nightmare indeed!! I really hope you get them back eventually!
I’m so sorry Iris! UPS is such a shit show. I’ve had them open packages and steal games out of cartridges and then finish shipping me the empty box. I hope a miracle happens for you and something turns up.
Oh my god, what a nightmare. I'm so sorry.
I am so sorry. This is just so heartbreaking!!