Alas I Am But Bones (aka EvilViergacht)

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Alas I Am But Bones (aka EvilViergacht)

EvilViergacht / Dr Werewolf on Twitter. Heya folks.
I reblog lots of art cause we're all in this together.
icon by Mythiccvixen!
Is it just me or didn't Jack Black say some dumbass thing years ago? And people are just now acting shocked? I dunno, it's a shame cause I like his stuff. So it goes.
🌪️ PSA: A tornado WATCH means a tornado may be forming soon and you should prepare, whereas a tornado WARNING means it’s here and you need to take cover *now.* To help remember the difference: if it’s a tornado WATCH, you’ve got TIME ⌚️
donate at least 25$ usd to my friend and get a telegram sticker from me: dm me and we'll exchange e-mail for proof of donation and the final pic
Gonna work on some bigger comms over the next few days! Does anyone want some headshots between them? 10 💲 flat or 13💲 shaded! ❤️ and 🔁 appreciated!! #furryart #furry #fandom #fursuit #art #commsopen
really specific question, but can anybody think of comics that visually depict movement disorders like Parkinson's, Huntington's, tardive dyskinesia, etc? I'm explicitly just looking for art ideas rn, so it's okay if the representation isn't particularly sensitive
Some of my older adoptable designs from a couple years ago!
Little griffon-I imagine like a little domestic kind of griffon, living in a little aging village with stony walls and an overgrown cemetary, that kind of thing Gonna dedicate this one to that one follower elsewhere, who after being called out for being rude, stopped. Here's to you -2750 🎨 #art
(child is a term for how objects are arranged in a hierarchy: a button is a child of a panel, an arm is a child of a body, etc.)'s subreddit is the most brutal #gamedev community. 😬
The rabbit's out of the hat! 🐇🎩 I'm one of the stretch goals for this shoot. 😍😍😍 Let's get it to $8,000 y'all!
OMG it's happening!! Everybody IT'S HAPPENING! AdorkaStock & Friends Group Poses for Artists is now LIVE. Pls help us make day one the strongest launch possible. We have 3 tiers: $10, $30, & $100. ❤️❤️ #Art #PoseRef #Crowdfunding #Artist #References
I'll be opening slots again in a few days! If you have any questions you can email me for a quick response (linked in profile). Prices/terms of service/examples:
Please give a warm and official welcome to SpiritPanda Costumes family....FISK! :D Fisk is a Mandarin Nightdraxos. He was an extremely fun and challenging project and I couldn't be happier with how he turned out!! All of the markings on his fins are sewn!
ok actual irl lol
I will never forget the interview, shortly after Ozy Media Inc. was formed, where Carlos Watson said he named it after the poem, because "the lesson you take from [Ozymandias] is that you have to dream big." So that's why liberal arts education is important.
What a way to start our season - stops by to chat with us about his artistic process with digital matte painting, what creating book covers (especially Animorphs covers) is like, and how he feels about the impact he's had on our fandom
Some close-ups of Jonah from the video shoot the other day. Mask/character: @feralworks Contacts: Samhain Lenses #tiefling #dnd #bard #bardlife #art #makeup #specialeffects #demon #devil #musician
Illustration process for this one involved cheaply thrown together 3D rocks for texture and lighting reference, and exorcising the darkroom/bathroom with a garden hoe mattock.
"Petroglyphs" An illustration I did for Masks of the Miscam, Book 2 of the Noss Saga. I unadvisedly chose a line hatching style that fully embraces carpal tunnel.
It is my balloon day! I invoke the social media rites of birthday art shares!!!
Artist Hitomi Terasawa drew a meticulous cross-sectioned rendering of Hong Kong's infamous Kowloon Walled City before it was razed in 1994. Now we have rare scans revealing the inner workings of the labyrinth-like metropolis.
Slouchy the Gargoyle. Sculpted in Monster Clay hard. I still need to mold and cast this guy, but I plan to finally get around to that some time this year, hopefully. Fun fact: my dog enjoys sitting like this and inspired the pose for this sculpture. #sculpture #fantasyart #creature
As a 501c3 corporation, the Heritage Foundation is not allowed to participate in politics, much less publish manifestos. Download the Project 2025 pdf from their website & attach it to IRS Form 13909 and challenge their tax exempt status. Here's their EIN # 23-7327730 And instructions (email!)
IRS Complaint Process - Tax-Exempt Organizations | Internal Revenue If you suspect a tax-exempt organization is not complying with the tax laws, you may send information to the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division.
Look at how pretty my Chinese cave gecko is
A rainbow of six paint drips are going to be looking for homes starting this Thursday 7/18 at 5pm pst - Sunday 7/22 at 5pm Here is the first one ❤️ SB:$1500 plus shipping Autobuy: $5000 (based on winning bid of 2 previous drips) Up to 3 month payment plans available
It's still my birthday so I'm going to ask you to do me a favour, okay? Stop right now & take 5 deep breaths, as deep as you can, pressing your held breaths down into your diaphragm before releasing. Do it like this: Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, out for 4 seconds. Got it? Five times
Look at this new FIV+ cutie available through our local humane society in Burlington, VT! FIV+ cats can live with other cats so long as they’re all indoors and there’s no serious fighting going on.
I’ll also be selling stickers at Underground Pride, made entirely by the good folks at StickerApp - they do an awesome job and are _not_ run by alt-righters.
Anyone still ordering at Sticker Mule? Don’t!
*sighs* if anyone knows how to report counterfeit listings please do let me know, maybe also do it for me
I found a comically awful fake first edition Jekyll & Hyde on eBay that the seller is charging $1,200 for and describing as real in the description💀💀💀
New commission: a Muppet version of John Carpenter's THE THING featuring Kermit, Gonzo, Beaker, and a Yip-Yip! Mixed media on 9 X 12" watercolor paper. #MuppetMonday
Another direct-in-ink, not-artfight potshot, this time for !