
"What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise."
"What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise."
How Stella's Gay Husband Got His Green Card
Winston Shakespeare is ripped from Eddie Murphy’s Raw.
One of the few redeeming parts of Superman III is drunken asshole Superman, and honestly, the fight scene between the good and evil halves is pretty good too.
for me this one is like, a watchable richard pryor sketch with superman kinna in it and then one good issue of a superman comic with the existential vibes the peanut sniping in the bar is onna my all-time fave bits the end just reminds me of one of many bad actual superman video games tho
OMG that Superman III movie 🫠
I am curious about Superman 3. I always thought it was bad, but mostly harmless a'la Star Trek V (though at the time it nearly killed the franchise.)
Ah, the "I'm not racist BUT" comic nerd starter kit...
I don't know where the line is or the whys, but batman forever is campy fun, good to watch with drunk friends. Batman & Robin is irredeemable trash. Just a chug to get through, nothing fun. also the first time I saw it my parents were going through a separation. Poisoned!
I think you need to CHILL out on some of these choices, AH ha HA Ahg HA.
I love that movie, but I could easily listen to hours of people dunking on it.
"American Beauty" "300" "Gone with the Wind" "The Room" (No, I don't even enjoy ironically.)
We were insufferable with the Malkrats love. Sorry, signed a young Gen Xer.
I hated Mallrats when I first saw it but it’s grown on me over time. The rest of them though I agree 100%.
Oh, and strangely Superman III has the opposite trajectory for me. As a kid I thought it was pretty funny and fun, but as an adult I find it unwatchable.
I think you're being a bit too hard on Mr. Pryor here but in complete agreement about the other three. The last one there is essentially coattail-riding Bridges of Madison County, both of which deserve to be buried and forgotten in the pop culture trash heap of history