
Never mind, re-rig is called off, got caught on the edge of a storm between Sage Hills and Gold Rock City and got a chance to unfurl all sails, I look sick as hell, I'm not changing this
For now, tho, I'll probably be taking my ship back to Gold Rock City soon to be re-rigged as some kind of weird psuedo-schooner. My square sails get nearly no play on two out of three masts. There's gotta be a better configuration.
Gold Rock City Lookout: What the fuck LO: Who died Guard: What? Oh. You mean the tea merchant. LO: There's TEA on that G: Yeah, she gets 'round here like, every 40 days or so, good tea too LO: So she's like.. goth or something G: Just unfashionable and immature I think G: And too much money
I'm sorry, but I can't hear you over the coins I'm pulling in from feeding your tea addiction.
I want everyone to know that the only place ostentation like this exists in Spike's actual real life is on her comic shelves
I remain convinced, against any evidence about storage conditions, that tea would taste that little bit more delicious if it still came via tea clippers
argument in support of your theory: monsooned malabar coffee. the slow sea transport was essential for developing the unique and delicious flavour, and when ships got faster the coffee tasted all wrong on arrival (this was solved by monsooning the coffee before transport)