
When you realize the plants you bought won’t set fruit for 4 years
Its disappointed face because it wanted some papaya!
She’s more of a broccoli girl oddly enough. I bought some peppercorn vines to try my hand at growing them and just read how slow growing they are. Granted they prefer moist soil…in India..but I like a challenge. One more reason to stay fit and healthy right?
Gonna be a looong storm season down your way by the looks of things.
Sincerely, the best outcome could be several 7+ hurricanes and 7+ large tropical storms in the arc from Florida to Campeche/Belize pouring rain as hell but with no substantial winds. Hopefully the American-Mexican armies joint exercises for disasters won't be used.
I just wish some really stubborn politicians would learn something from these storms. This is the new normal, there’s no going back to 1955.
Yes, but the whole gulf has been in drought for a long time, so this is the first year in a long, long time where the whole region around is getting decent rain. And also, apparently climate change may have extended the hurricane season from Jul-Nov to Jun-Dec.
It also seemingly eliminated Spring up here. This past May and June were wet and cold. Not so cold things wouldn’t grow but cold enough that soil temperatures slowed growth and delayed plant some crops. My tomatoes seem to get in the ground a little later every year.
It’s interesting to see the stark difference in micro climates as well. A friend who Iives at a slightly higher elevation in the middle of the island typically has much better luck than I with grains. His are about 15cm tall right now and mine are a metre.
Jesus, that sounds awful... that will facet crops all over the place D:
I am pretty sure you will live longer than that!