
also i love how we always get back to like “cut out the high school shit” like this place wouldn’t be a 1000x better if the most popular users had been popular in hs like at least some of y’all motherfuckers might act like you’ve been here before
I was unpopular in high school because I wasn't there much and spent much of my time there smoking crystal and getting in fights. actually wait that's what I do here. fuck
I was the school president
It's hs shit all the way down, only some of us moved past that
yeah I was popular and well liked in high school but I went to an arts magnet so it probably doesn’t count
Every time I've run into a situation like this, especially but not exclusively with guys, it's due to people being ignored and then getting a glow up and having no idea what to do with attention except their worst impulses
This is my high school experience here, where I have like five or seven really good friends and I stay the fuck out of the way of everyone else lol