
That's, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh...quite an ad University of Wisconsin-Madison Ebling Library for the Health Sciences 1970
Part of me said, "This can't be real. I mean, naming it MENrium is a just a little too on the nose." But then I remembered men. And how things were in the 70s. Dammit.
"Men" is also the first part of menopause and menarche (periods) though, so it's probably not actually as patriarchal a name as you think.
It's still an absolutely BS ad campaign. But menopause was basically being discussed as an inconvenience to men (b/c of how it affected women) into the 80s.
JFC My wife is on the verge of menopause. I can't even imagine IMPLYING that what she's going through is inconvenient to me.
If she's interested in raging about this particular issue, I recommend the book What Fresh Hell Is This by Heather Corinna It provides some history of menopause and society and also loads of supportive advice.
Excellent point. Thank you for turning my rage down a degree. Still enraged, just a little less so.