
Conservatives have been steamrolled in the UK and now France. In the case of France, they DRAMATICALLY under-performed expectations. I honestly think we're seeing the fruits of the far-right overplaying its hand and underestimating how receptive people are to it.
The French understand that a far-right govt is infinitely worse than even the most disappointing left govt. So they coalesce to keep the Nazis out in a way the U.S. left never does.
I disagree. Trump under-performed his poll numbers in 2020 and the GOP in general did the same in the midterms in 2022. I think we're seeing an era I'd call the Loud Tory Effect, which is where the far right misinterprets their ability to be heard with their actual popularity.
I think you're right about that in general. But I think there's a large segment of "the parties are the same" folk in the U.S. that really DON'T think a Trump victory is any worse than a Biden won for anyone except Biden. And they think it's a good idea to "punish" Biden/Dems by not voting
I assure you, the left is still voting for Biden even though we don't like him or liberalism.
On balance I think you're right, most will, the question is whether it will be enough.