Dan Izzo

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Dan Izzo


Tweets are not legal advice, All opinions are my own
At this point replacing Biden with anyone, even Harris, means running a write-in campaign for a bunch of states.
This is what I said yesterday. Harris won't get on the ballot in a lot of states, period the end. Utter chaos. Cope w Biden being the candidate people. He's it.
Smart clergy realize that the odds the State will endorse their specific denomination are not great.
As I wrote in ONE NATION UNDER GOD, the drive for a school prayer constitutional amendment failed in the 1960s because so many religious leaders testified before Congress that they, in fact, did NOT want secular leaders writing and mandating prayers, because that was something they took seriously.
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This week the Supreme Court legalized political corruption and then named the Judiciary the ultimate arbiter of conflicts that primarily affect rich corporations and I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.
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Interstate sale of unpasteurized milk is prohibited by FDA reg 1240.61 under the authority given to the Surgeon General in the Public Health Services Act to prevent communicable diseases. But in this 5th circuit courtroom, a FedSoc judge trained in creationist biology isn't sure that's true.
New test results released by the FDA found that bird flu virus is making its way from dairy farms and into milk processing plants but also confirmed that the commonly used flash pasteurization method fully neutralizes the virus.
FDA’s testing of raw milk finds H5N1 bird flu in half of samples but confirms flash pasteurization kills virus | CNNcnn.it New test results released by the US Food and Drug Administration on Friday found that bird flu virus is making its way from dairy farms and into milk processing plants but also confirmed that the comm...
21 CFR 1240.61 -- Mandatory pasteurization for all milk and milk products in final package form intended for direct human consumption.www.ecfr.gov
I mean...fair point
I'd you're calling on Biden to step down as nominee because of a bad debate performance but you didn't call on Trump to step down after he was convicted of 34 criminal charges you are a deeply unserious person.
Reposted byAvatar Dan Izzo
Bullshit. The social contract for content on the web is that it's made available on the terms the creator chooses. Also: Given M$'s incredibly consistent position on the use of their own content, this is incredible hypocrisy.
Oh I see it's fire time again...
Sun in NJ has gotten really weird
What really boggles my mind is how the Dems apparently didn't have a contingency plan in their back pockets in anticipation of the Chevron decision. Should be out there right now proposing an "Administrative Circuit" to handle all agency reg cases and nominating all exisiting ALJs to it.
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Among the problems created by Loper Bright: the U.S. is now a significantly riskier climate for investors than it was yesterday. Regulation is far less predictable and will be susceptible to extreme geographic variation. No way to know if the end result helps you or a competitor.
So here's what the end of Chevron means practically with the Court's as currently GOP Dominated as they are: Any regulation instituted by a Democrat is unconstitutional and invalid Any regulation instituted by a Republican is a "major question" and will be deferred to.
Looking at going to a local Pride festival this weekend - but weather is looking a little dicey. Talking to 12yo (who is non-binary) "So we're planning to go to the Pride thing this weekend but it might be raining" 12yo: "I don't have enough Pride to stand in the rain"
Reposted byAvatar Dan Izzo
Listen - if SCOTUS holds today that Trump has immunity, I think the outcome of the debate doesn't matter as much. Biden will have many options.
With Trump and Biden as our choices here's my thought: Elect Biden cause he's the best of two amazingly shitty options BUT... Run all scenarios through ChatGPT for actual decisions. It...really can't be worse...
Hey, you know how some people keep talking about the U.S. needing to curtail the 1A in order to ban hate speech etc. Yeaaaaah...that's how you end up with shit like this. And I'm guessing a lot of those same people would NOT be ok with this: www.cnn.com/2024/06/27/e...
Germany demands new citizens accept Israel’s right to exist | CNNwww.cnn.com People applying for naturalization in Germany will now be required to affirm Israel’s right to exist, under changes to the country’s citizenship law.
Creating an "Administrative Circuit" to handle all cases that were formerly handled by ALJs.
A dream response to gutting ALJs would be to immediately ram through legislation creating like 2 new circuits and 100s of new judges, since so much shit is now going to flow into an already overwhelmed article iii system
I am both anti-carceral and anti-death penalty. But exceptions can be made to both...
If Gaol is pronounced Jail then Gif is pronounced Jif.
TIL the President can unilaterally amend laws...
If trump (or biden) really cared, they'd amend the laws to force the states to stop allowing employers to deduct average/expected tips from workers' minimum wages Just putting it out there.
From a friend on FB
Man I see Daniel really couldn't handle hearing how lawyers have been using AI for decades and he would have to prove his iteration of it was better than the tools we already have and have constantly improved upon
Those are the rails for mounting my server into the rack. I am...not sure why she has decided they make a good pillow
Realizing I need to get started on my CLEs for the year...and I want to try and bank next year's too. Ugh...
That associate editor must be smoking some good stuff.
An associate editor at Wash Post wrote this today: "At the same time — and, yes, I know how cavalierly they tossed aside precedent in Dobbs — I doubt that even this court is about to upend the national legal landscape again and eliminate the right to marriage equality" Sotomayor knows better
It's amazingly obvious that so much of this is just using Palestinians as props for ego boosting and clout and not actually being effective in support of them. "This tactic isn't effective" "Oh you're an oppressor" My dude, be as uppity as you WANT but make sure it's fucking EFFECTIVE!
Just a head's up. I already blocked but another transphobic trolling account
Well...fuck...this isn't going to end well.
Breaking News: The Supreme Court agreed to decide whether a Tennessee law that bans certain medical care for transgender minors violates the Constitution.
Supreme Court Will Hear Challenge to Tennessee Law Banning Transition Care for Minorswww.nytimes.com The state law bans health care providers from offering gender transition care to children.
Boycotting and government imposed banning aren't the same thing.
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