Jen in Dallas

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Jen in Dallas

Paralegal, writer, jewelry maker. Fat and loud. Loves cats, hates hypocrisy and wants everybody to have enough food, education and medical care. Forced birthers will be blocked. People who quote forced birthers will also be blocked.
Rite of passage: I've been stung by my 1st wasp. For the record, ow.
Nifty stories about departed loved ones: When my bro in law was dying, he said stuff like, "Oh, you just missed my dad. He says hi." Dad having died some years before. He also talked about how he'd just been in Saigon and it was Tet and raining, and when my sis checked it was Tet and it was raining.
Nifty stories about departed loved ones: My wife adopted a cat. The rescue lady asked her for a name. She was going to say Maribel but said Mariposa instead. My bro in law died some years ago. He and my sis had an inside joke about the word Mariposa. Did bro in law help name the cat?
Nifty stories about deceased loved ones: my wife had a cat, Uhura, that was totally Her Cat. She put up with me but I was not her person. We put her to sleep at 15 when she had cancer. For the next 2 weeks my wife felt a cat jump up on the bed. It went on til we got another cat. Then it stopped.
So I didn't watch the debates and I don't really care what happened. I just wanna know if the country is doomed and if leaving for elsewhere is a viable strategy.
Still no power here but we are ok for now. It's hot, is the main thing. We have ice. Cats are freaked out but surviving.
Hello! Severe storms this morning. We've had no power since then but temperatures are good and we have a little battery generator that runs fans and such. Some branches down. No damage tho. So far I can get ice for the fridge. Wife and I are ok, cats good. Update soon.
Shit I just learned: Most people have 7 working memory slots. This is why we can remember, say, a phone number long enuf to put it in our phones. Most ppl with ADHD have 3-4 working memory slots. I have always, always divided phone numbers into area code/prefix/number. I bet I just have 3.
I found out this morning that exercising while on pain meds evidently makes them hit you harder and woo, I am loopy.
I totally freaked out on FedEx CS rep after she told me they'd lost track of my package not once, but 2x. But. She really wasn't terribly interested until I mentioned it was prescription meds. I feel bad I lost it but OTOH, her company was like endangering my life?
Hey, if you choose "other" on those electronic forms that ask you about your method of birth control, you can type one letter in the little box that comes up and it lets you go on to the next screen. And you can also type "unknown" in the box for "Date of last period." I live in Texas.
FedEx, which did not deliver my package yesterday as stated, evidently found it and stated on their Web site they'd deliver it by 10:40 this morning. Now they've had "unavoidable mechanical failure" and so it'll be 8 tonight. I think they really don't know where it is but they also don't want to
I haven't made a single good decision yet this morning. I'd go back to bed, but that would be a decision too, wouldn't it?
Neighbors cat showed up this morning! Obviously sick or hurt tho. I got her into the house (which was dumb, cue my angry male and me hiding with her in the bathroom). Was able to get her into a carrier and to the vet. Don't know if she's ever seen a vet.
So I went over to my neighbors' and asked about their cat. They have not seen her either and they probably think I'm insane right about now. I took a flashlight and went out back. I looked in the shed and between the fences and everywhere a cat could hide. No cat. I should have grabbed her earlier.
So my neighbor's cat is missing. You can practically set your watch by the time she shows up at my place every morning, wanting an extra meal. (Yes, I do feed her.) Two days in a row, no cat. I'm gonna have to go over there and try out my Spanish. I hope it is not bad news.
Reposted byAvatar Jen in Dallas
Donald Trump promised to end Roe and he keeps bragging about it. We know who’s really responsible for abortion bans. Now we need to make sure voters do, too:
So Threads has suspended my account for "fraud or disseminating false information." I can technically appeal, but in order to do so I have to upload a photo, and it doesn't like any of my photos. I tried about seven. If anybody is missing me over there, that's what happened.
You know how in a couple, one person is somehow tasked with the job of being the one who gets up and gets stuff? That's me. I'm having knee surgery soon. So I'm practicing saying, "Yes, can you get those for us?" when the hint gets dropped. I'm getting a lot of sighs and eye rolls.
#dallasstars It took me ages to realize the backboard ads were only flipping every 30 seconds on the camera, not in real life. I'm thinking "How can the backboards be computerized when they take so much punishment?"
I have 2 blood pressure cuffs and both are showing totally different readings and either I'm gonna die or all is well.
Whatever did I do before social media, when I was forced to keep my random thoughts to myself.
Web developers: I am so not a fan of your subscription or membership solicitation popping up and blocking my screen. I will block your site in the future and why did any of you think that was a good idea?
I cannot hold my legs still under my desk. I know a 90 degree angle is best for my legs but I will move them around, straighten them out, pull my heels back, etc etc as soon as I quit thinking about keeping my legs at a 90 degree angle. Argh.
You guys!!! An article I wrote was accepted at!! Specifics to follow!!
I dunno who needs to know this, but VETS WILL SPAY PREGNANT CATS. If you take in a cat and find out she's pregnant, you don't have to wait for the babies to spay her. How you feel about it is, of course, another matter. But there aren't enough homes now. I'm just sayin.